Puts forward a cascade heat pump unit to solve some application problems of conventional units in winter in cold regions, such as high compression ratio and low heating efficiency.
摘要提出了一种复叠热泵机组,以解决常规空气源热泵冷热水机组在寒冷地区冬季使用压缩比高、效率低等问题。 |
Puts forward that to improve the students' integrated diathesis, the psychological education must be done well.
提出努力做好大学生心理健康教育工作,提高学生综合素质。 |
Puts forward the concept of ecology accounting center and cash center, designs the forest assets management and financial decision-making and analyzing module, so as to give a reference for further development and design of the FNFIS.
在模型中提出了生态会计中心、资金中心的概念,设计了森林资产管理的模块和财务决策分析模块,使其成为林业决策型网络财务信息系统设计的依据。 |
Puts moisture back into over-worked hair. Gently cleanses chemically treated and/or dry hair, while improving the hair's overall condition and manageability.
纯净感受:让弹性疲乏过度受损的头发恢复水份,柔和的洗净化学性受损或乾燥脆弱发质,逐渐调整恢复发质与易于平日好梳理。 |
Puts the enemy in a shocked state of decreased p.def.
令到敌方进入昏迷状态防御减低。 |
Putt your way through a circus paradise full of hazardous obstacles and secret shortcuts.
击球进洞的路上要经过马戏团乐园,一个充满了危险障碍和秘密捷径的地方。 |
Putting 2 pictures on a front page is considered to be poor: the reader doesn't know where to look.
在首页放置两张图片可能就会带来麻烦:阅读者会弄不清楚到底该从何处阅读。 |
Putting a bookmark,in that case I would know where you have read.
书里面放上书签,我好知道你读到哪儿了。 |
Putting a human into space is the first step of three steps in China's manned space programme, Xie said.
谢还说,飞人太空还只是中国载人航天三步走规划的第一步。 |
Putting a human into space is the first step of three stepsChina's manned space programme, Xie said.
谢还说,飞人太空还只是中三步走规划的第一步。 |
Putting a mirror on the floor can be helpful for self-examination.
在地板上放一面镜子也有助于自我检查。 |