Although young people are sometimes attracted by the gang's power, they are unlikely to be recruited for anything more than menial tasks, the report added.
年轻人虽然有时会被帮派的权力所吸引,但他们不太可能会被招募从事重要的任务,报告补充说。 |
Although young, she know much.
虽然她很年轻,却知道许多。 |
Although young, she wrote a gem of a poem.
虽然年轻,但是她写的诗歌很好。 |
Although your hairs have become gray, your softness and sentiment are still in my mind.
虽然你已见白发,但你的似水柔情依然在我心中。 |
Although your saying will not leave me!
虽然你说不会离开我! |
Although {+6}Li is rare, it does exist.
尽管结构为{+6}的锂元素极为稀少,可它确实存在。 |
Although, Nepal never came under any colonial power, it didn't remain unaffected by colonial influence.
虽然尼泊尔从来被任何殖民权力统治,但他也没有保持不被殖民权力影响。 |
Although, The company come into existence for a short time, But the brand Newstyle has been built up a good credit standing and visualize under the unremitting efforts of all employees and the agents.
公司虽成立不久,但在全体员工及代理商的不懈努力下,纽斯特尔品牌已经在业界中树立下良好的信誉及形象。 |
Although, by a seemingly careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb, he had endeavoured to conceal or abate the peculiarity, it was sufficiently evident to Hester Prynne, that one of this man's shoulders rose higher than the other.
尽管他似乎是漫不经心地随便穿了件土人的衣服,其实是要遮掩或减少身体的怪异之处,但海丝特·白兰仍一眼便看出那个人的两肩并不一般高。 |
Although, challenging work remains to determine the interfering substances (e.g. particulates) of different environments, distinguish the specific species with specific probe, and overcome the high detection limit of FCM (10(4)-10(8) cells ml(-1)), litera
虽然不同环境其介质之量测、建立特定菌种之特定引子及克服萤光显微镜之高侦测极限,均有其挑战性,本文建议使用萤光染色配合萤光显微镜对生物性气胶即时侦测有极大潜力。 |
Although, following the change of ruling parties, the political clout of those who must bear the onus for the 228 tragedy is no longer so strong, in the future there nevertheless remains a potential for political upheavals.
虽然政党轮替后,二二八事件里的罪魁祸首政治势力不再如此强大,但是未来还是有许多可能产生的政治变局。 |