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There are no peasants in Britain.

There are no official figures on the number of beauty outlets in this country of 4.4 million people, but a quick glance through the telephone directory yields at least 3,000 listings. 这个有440万人口的国家究竟有多少家美容院目前还不得而知,因为没有官方统计的数据供参考,但仅仅在新加坡电话录上登记过的美容院就至少有3000家。
There are no organized excursions to view the architecture of Fukuoka — it's a strictly do-it-yourself affair — but that's part of the pleasure. 并没有组织好一起去参观福冈的建筑体系—老实说,参观是一种独立独行的事--但是,这恰是乐趣所在。
There are no other data than is available. 除现有资料外,别无其它资料。
There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to asoagal syncope. 体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经性晕厥相关的特异体征。
There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to vasovagal syncope. 体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经性晕厥相关的特异体征。
There are no peasants in Britain. 英国没有农民。
There are no person on beach. 海滩上一个人也没有。
There are no prices on this menu. 在这菜单上没有价钱。
There are no prizes for guessing who told them. 是谁告诉他们的,一猜就能猜出来。
There are no problems that cannot be solved through friendly and open consultations. 任何问题都能通过友好协商而得到解决。
There are no profound new insights to be discovered in this book, but perhaps its best achievement is its propensity for reminding readers of the basic truths they have always known, but may have forgotten or have simply chosen to ignore, in today's cynic 书中并没有深刻的新见解,而或许它的成功之处,正是在今日愤世嫉俗思想横流的世界,提醒读者一些耳熟能详,但可能已经遗忘,或故意视而不见的基本真理。

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