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Kid shall steer clear of that park, it do not seem safe.

Kicked in the head at Reading, removed from the field under an oxygen mask, required to undergo surgery on his skull, shaved and scarred, with serious doubts raised about the likelihood that he would ever play again, Cech nevertheless defeated medical exp 同雷丁的比赛中被踢中头部,带着氧气罩从球场被移走,要在他的头骨上进行手术,开了刀并留下了疤痕,让人十分怀疑他能否再进行比赛了,然而并没有像医学估计的那样,切赫在几个月内就重返赛场了,似乎这次的经历反而让他更有活力了。
Kicking away the blocks holding the wheels, the pilot jumped into the light plane and flew off. 飞行员把固定住轮子的石块踢开,跳上轻型飞机开走了。
Kicking involves the torso as well as the legs and feet. 踢腿包括躯干,腿和脚的动作。
Kicking off on Monday, the week-long Paris Air Show will give commercial and military aircraft manufacturers the chance to show off their latest products. 为期一周的巴黎航展于星期一开始,它为商用飞机和军用飞机的制造商们提供了展示最新产品的机会。
Kid Travel Kit - Kit contains a multitude of toys and games to keep kids occupied during road trips or for quiet time at home. 儿童旅行百宝箱---箱内包含了多类玩具和游戏,让儿童在公路旅行或在家的无聊时间可以自己玩耍。
Kid shall steer clear of that park, it do not seem safe. 那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开。
Kid-glove methods haven't worked it's time to get tough. 既然软的办法不行--那就来硬的.
Kidd has left out of the team 基德已不在队里了。
Kidd himself did not know he was a wanted man until he dropped anchor in the West Indies in April 1699. 基德自已并不知道他已经成了一名通缉犯,直到他1699年停泊在西印度群岛。
Kidd, by several accounts, was an absolute wonder during the three-day training session in Las Vegas and equally thrilled about playing with Bryant. 基德多次谈到,在拉斯维加斯的三天训练是完美的,而且也觉得和科比一起打球很令人兴奋.
Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. 肾脏疾病能导致肾功能衰竭(终末期肾疾病)。

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