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The judge unbent and behaved like a boy.

The judge then offered to cut an additional 20 days if Clark dresses up as Safety Pup. 后来法官又提出,如果克拉克肯扮做“安全小狗”的话,那么其刑期还可以额外被减去20天。
The judge thought this most extraordinary. Perhaps,he mused, These bees are here to prevent a miscarriage of justice. 判官觉得这太离奇了。也许他想,这些蜜蜂到这里来是为了避免一桩怨案。
The judge threatened to witness with contempt of court if she didn't answer the questions of the prosecuting attorney. 法官威胁证人说,如果她不回答检察官的问题,将犯有蔑视法庭罪。
The judge told the prisoner that the jury had acquitted him on the charge of bigamy. 法官告诉犯人陪审团撤消对他重婚罪的指控。
The judge took up the gavel with solemnity. 法官严肃地拿起了小木槌。
The judge unbent and behaved like a boy. 法官松弛了下来,举止像个小男孩。
The judge upheld the lower court's decision. 法官维持初级法院的判决。
The judge voiced her satisfaction that the jury had reached a verdict. 法官对陪审团已做出裁定表示满意。
The judge voided the original ten-year prison sentence, instead finding the man guilty of a misdemeanor. 法官驳回了原来10年有期徒刑的判罚,转而对该男子从轻判决。
The judge was a man of eminent fairness. 这位法官是非常公正的人。
The judge was an arbitrary person, who had no interests aside from food. 法官是个武断的人,除了吃之外没有别的爱好。

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