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Wear gloves because the electrophoresis plasticware could be contaminated with the carcinogen Ethidiumbromide, that is used to visualize DNA.

Wear appropriate protective clothing and safety gloves. 穿戴一般作业防护服,安全手套。
Wear bike helmet, please. It is ITU Rule. 请戴好头盔,这是国际铁联规则。
Wear comfortable clothes that you like and that feel good to your body. 穿那些适合的舒适的,那些能让你身体有益处的衣服。
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.- 穿舒适的衣服和鞋子.
Wear dry clothing and a hat. 要注意穿干衣和戴帽进行防护。
Wear gloves because the electrophoresis plasticware could be contaminated with the carcinogen Ethidiumbromide, that is used to visualize DNA. 请穿戴手套!因为电泳用的塑胶制品可能被用来观察DNA的致癌物溴化乙锭所污染。
Wear gloves during experiments, take them off before touching the drawers, handles on doors, buttons in elevators to prevent contamination in the public area. 操作实验时需戴手套,接触公用把手、电梯及抽屉时则需取下手套。
Wear gloves or mittens and, if you're outdoors, a hat. 如果你在室外场地,戴上手套和帽子。
Wear green eyes gets into dark room, seeing an electric light switch by the side of the door, pressing to open it once, pressing once green glasses again to take off it, then can according to the second orange glasses. 戴绿色眼睛进入黑暗的房间,看到门旁边有一个电灯开关,按一下打开它,再按一下绿色眼镜把它摘掉,然后就可依照第二个橘色眼镜了。
Wear high heels, but bring along a pair of flats to change into should your feet start screaming in pain. 穿高跟鞋时带一双平跟鞋,感到脚痛的时候换上。
Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. 穿轻便、宽松的衣服。

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