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Based on the diffusion equation, the transition probability density of stock prices is calculated by means of the Monte-Carlo method.

Based on the detection results of a suspeusion bridge, the maintenauce and reinforcemeut suggestion is given. 对悬索桥进行检测并根据检测结果给出维修加固建议。
Based on the development of the coastal observation system on Shenli Oil Field, this paper introduced the structure of the system and database, and presented the function and technique of the WEB application for them. 摘要结合胜利油田近海自动海洋气象监测系统的建设,介绍了自动监测系统的构成与数据库设计及其WEB应用平台的功能和主要技术方法。
Based on the difference among three Dais habitations, this thesis chooses the scored and the profane as wedding points to discuss the deep-level structure and the rules of the transformation or Dai's habitation. 摘要该文通过对三个不同时期形成的傣族聚落的比较,以神圣和世俗为切入点,讨论在傣族聚落变迁中的深层结构和规律。
Based on the difference of Buddhist Weishixue theories between the Southern and Northern dynasty, this paper analyzes some theoretical divergence and important change from Southern-Northern dynasty to Tang dynasty, hence the paper considers that this chan 摘要论文以唯识学在南北朝时期的理论差异为特例,分析了中国佛学从南北朝时期的某些理论分歧到隋唐时期的重大转变,这个过程既反映了佛学理论自身转变过程中的某些内在取向的选择,也表明了这种选择是与中国传统文化的整体发展分不开的。
Based on the difference of maximum modulus evolution between signals and random noises in multi-scale space of WT, the signals from shaking table test are processed for random noise reduction. 摘要本文利用小波变换下有效信号有随机噪声在多尺度空间中模极大值不同的传播特性,对地震模拟振动台试验测试信号进行去噪处理,取得良好效果。
Based on the diffusion equation, the transition probability density of stock prices is calculated by means of the Monte-Carlo method. 摘要在扩散方程对股价运行描述的基础上,用蒙特卡罗方法得出未来某一时刻股价转移概率密度的数值解。
Based on the dimensions, structures, shapes of the pores and the surface components of the porous minerals and rocks, this paper has summed up characteristics of typical porous minerals and rocks such as attapulgite, montmorillonite, sepiolite, zeolite an 本文从微孔的尺度、结构、形态、成分等表面固体特徵出发,概括性地论述了凹凸棒石、海泡石、蒙脱石、沸石、矽藻土等十几种多孔结构矿物(岩石)在环境修复工程中用作过滤材料、吸附剂、离子交换剂和催化剂等材料时的基本特徵和使用时应注意的问题。
Based on the direct shear test of double-asperity joints include two tooth-shaped asperities, the shear properties of double-asperity joints are analyzed according to the difference of two asperities' angles, and the failure mechanism of double-asperity j 摘要通过对由两个齿形凸体组合构成的双齿节理进行直剪试验,分析了两个齿形凸体的起伏角相等时和不等时双齿节理的剪切特性;观察和分析含两种不同起伏角凸起体的双齿节理的渐进破坏过程与机理,以及两个齿形凸起体的排列顺序对此类双齿节理的剪切强度和变形特性的影响。
Based on the disaster administration policy, administrative system and living examples of Japanese government and big cities like Tokyo, the thesis studies and analyzes the problems and experience in the administration of natural disaster in order to prov 摘要本文以日本政府及东京等大城市灾害管理政策、行政体制及实例爲对象,分析研究了大城市在自然灾害管理中所应注意的问题和经验教训,爲大城市的灾害管理提供借鉴。
Based on the discussion about the principal concept of digital waterway construction, the necessity and feasibility of digital waterway construction and the overall framework of digital waterway, this paper puts forward the basic way of thought on constru 摘要通过对数字航道基本概念、建设必要性和可行性、总体框架等的探讨,提出水路交通信息资源共享平台及其相应的业务应用系统体系建设的基本思路。
Based on the discussion of city solid waste characteristic, it is analyzed to control problem of secondary pollution, optimizing control strategy of incineration process, adjusting mode of wind quantity, system architecture and the related techniques. 在讨论城市固体垃圾特性基础土,分析了二次污染产生的条件,探讨了优化燃烧过程的控制策略、风量调节方式、系统构架及相关技术问题。

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