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F: I can't help it. I love you.

F: Do you have any laptop on sale 13? (那您现在有没有减降销售的机子呢?)
F: Do you think it's worth it? (那您觉得这样值不值得呢?)
F: Does this mean I can't play Ping-Pong no more? 福:这是不是意味着我从此不能再打乒乓球了?
F: Fortunately, I've saved everything I need on CDs. (还算幸运,我已经把我需要的东西都存在CD里了。)
F: I believe that you have to find a reason to work hard, to want to make something of yourself. 我认为,每个人都必须找个理由去努力工作,争取有所成就。
F: I can't help it. I love you. 福:我忍不住,我爱你。
F: I connected to the Internet and my computer froze 4. (我刚连上因特网,电脑就不动了。)
F: I go swimming once a week. 女:我每星期游泳一次。
F: I gotta find Bubba! 福:我要找布巴。
F: I speak with various accents. 房:到处口音都有的。
F: I think you can get a parking sticker from the administration office. 我认为你可以从管理处拿到停车证。

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