Writing is reversed in a mirror.
写出来的字在镜子里是倒着的. |
Writing is reversed in a mirror.
写出来的字在镜子里是倒著的. |
Writing letters is no different from other lawyering skills.
书写信函其实和其他律师技能没有什么两样。 |
Writing letters that are overly familiar to people they hardly know.
对不熟悉的人写一封内容过分亲密的信。 |
Writing naturally. Read it aloud. Does it sound natural? Does it flow?
自然挥洒,大声朗诵。整篇文章听起来自然吗?通顺吗? |
Writing naturally. Then read it aloud. Does it sound natural? Does it flow?
自然挥洒,大声朗诵。整篇文章听起来自然吗?通顺吗? |
Writing on Easter Island, called Rongo-Rongo writing, is also undeciphered, and is uncannily similar to the Mohenjodaro script.
复活节岛上的手稿就叫做荣戈—荣戈经文,也是未被破译,与摩亨佐达罗的手稿惊人地相似。 |
Writing on Wednesday in the journal Nature, the scientists described remains of three adults and one adolescent dating from about 1.77 million years ago, excavated at Dmanisi, about 55 miles southwest of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.
周三出版的《自然》杂志撰文说,科学家在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯西南部约55英里一处名为德马尼西的地方发现了四具距今约177万年的化石,其中包括三个成年人和一个青年人。 |
Writing on the group's Web site, however, NSA co-founder Hsu Na-Chi struck a tone more reminiscent of Hitler's final solutionwith regard to Taiwan's foreign workers.
但是国社会共同发起人许娜绮在该组织网站上刊登的文章,写到关于台湾外籍劳工时,语气却不禁令人想起希特勒的「最终解决方案」。 |
Writing order – Main body, conclusion, recommendations, introduction, then (appendices, glossary, references, bibliography, contents/index – in no particular order), summary and title page.
写作顺序-主体,结论,意见和建议,简介,然后是(附录,词汇?,参考文献,书目,内容/目录–这些没有严格的顺序)摘要和标题页。 |
Writing ought either to be the manufacture of stories for which there is a market demand -- a business as safe and commendable as making soap or breakfast foods -- or it should be an art, which is always a search for something for which there is no market
写作应当是以市场需要制造作品,像制造安全和值得赞美的肥皂或早餐食品那样;如果不这样写,那,写作应当是一种艺术:它不应市场需求,永远追寻新的、没做过的事,它的价值是内在的和标准化无关。 |