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But could a flame ever burn for a match and a stick?

But conventional wisdom may have got it wrong. 但传统说法未必正确。
But correlation is not cause. 但是,这种关联性却并不是根本原因.
But cost is not the sole or even primary determinant. 但是费用并不是唯一或甚至是主要的决定因素。
But could I do otherwise? 我能另做选择吗?
But could I help it if my car had a flat tire on my way to the meeting? 可是,在我去的路上我汽车的轮胎炸了,那叫我有什么办法嘛?”
But could a flame ever burn for a match and a stick? 但火柴与木棍相遇怎会不燃烧?
But could you send back the only man she loved? 但你可否送回这个她唯一爱过的男人?
But could you send back, The only man she loved. 但是你能不能把她唯一深爱的男人送回来?
But couldn't people merely be faking that they had been hypnotized? Two key studies have put such suspicions to rest. 但是,有没有可能人们只是假装自己被催眠?有两个主要的研究已经平息了这项怀疑。
But council diplomats said they would proceed cautiously, delaying deliberations until after a meeting between European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana and top Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani. 但安理会有关官员称,安理会将会慎重处理伊朗核问题,并计划在欧盟外交政策主席哈维尔·索拉纳与伊朗首席核谈判代表阿里·拉里贾尼会晤后再商议此事。
But country vs country team competition begin losing its lusteramong USA pros in recent years as big purses , which brought bigger endorsement deals , became available to grand slam tournament champions. 1997但是对于美国职业赛手来说,国际间的团体竞赛近年来已渐趋式微。因为只要能赢得锦标赛大满贯冠军,赞助大赛的大奖是不愁不到手的。

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