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That sounds pretty good.

That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour? 那听起来好极了。我到哪里去报名参加呢?
That sounds good. Maybe Ken-Ding National Park or some place quiet. 听起来不错。也许垦丁公园或其他比较安静的地方。
That sounds like a bunch of bull. 那听起来像是胡扯。
That sounds like a good idea. 那听上去是个好主意。
That sounds like fun. 这听起来很有趣呢。
That sounds pretty good. 听起来挺好的嘛!
That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call you back to make reservations. 听起来价钱还算公道。让我考虑一下,我会再打电话预定。
That sounds simple enough, but it seems that the more we know about that night, the more questions we have. Editors: Steve Vander Ark and Lisa Waite Bunker. 事情看起来是挺简单的,但是关于那一个夜晚,很多东西我们并不清楚,很多问题我们无法回答。
That sounds simple enough, doesn't it? 这听起来似乎很简单吧。
That sounds suspiciously like the Fed's position before and after the stockmarket bust: sit back as the bubble grows, but react aggressively in the aftermath—and never mind criticism that the low interest rates of a few years ago helped to stoke the housi 听起来和联储曾经对待科技股泡沫破裂的立场有几分相似:泡沫膨胀的时候袖手旁观,泡沫破裂以后积极回应—而且对之前几年低利率推波助澜房市泡沫的批评充耳不闻。
That sounds very sensible to me. 我觉得这很合理。

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