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The intricate patterns produced by frost, as on a windowpane.

The intimate falls in love, to does not abandon. Lets the bastardwhich these wants to involve our sentiment preposterously go! 相亲相爱,不离不弃.让那些想介入我们感情的混蛋见鬼去!
The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers. 登山者面前耸立著险峻的埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰).
The intonation of a character's voice will effect their facial expressions. 谈话中角色语音语调的不同会直接影响到角色的面部表情设定。
The intrepid and energetic Archer will hit the target dead-on in team sports or stamina sports like baseball, horse riding, squash, and archery, of course. 勇猛、精力充沛的射手喜欢棒球、骑马、壁球、箭术等团体运动或耐力运动。
The intricate machine requires a skilled operator. 这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作。
The intricate patterns produced by frost, as on a windowpane. 霜花霜冻形成如在玻璃窗上的复杂图案
The intricate relationships between memory and loss, death and existence, documentary and fiction—they are topics that appear often in the works of Kore-eda. 记忆与失去,死亡与存在,纪实与戏剧,都是是枝裕和作品中常见的命题。
The intrinsic aesthetic psychological structure: surprise / startle-depression, resistance-the accumulation, spurt-ponder. 这种内在的审美心理结构为:惊讶/骇―压抑,抗争―积聚,喷涌―涵泳。
The intrinsic chemical reaction rate constant was insensitive to the precursor and the calcinations history of CaO, but the product layer diffusivity was affected by these two factors in the initial stage and decreased to a constant value with increasing 化学反应速率常数不受氧化钙的先驱物与其锻烧程序所影响,但产物层扩散系数在初始阶段则受到上述两因素的影响,并随著氧化钙的转化而减少至一定值。
The intrinsic idea and the emotion transformation from the modern public ceramic skill, which the ceramic language and the manufacture method are made three-dimensional space art. 摘要现代公共陶艺借助陶瓷语言和制作手段将内在观念、情感物化为三度空间艺术。
The intrinsic of an option is the maximum of either zero or the market price minus the exercise price. 期权的内在价值最低为零,最高等于市场价格减履约价格的差额。

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