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A man is tuning the piano.

A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 「人不会老去,直到,悔恨取代了梦想。」
A man is not old,but mellow,like good wine. 年高非老,乃成熟也;佳酿越陈,味越醇美。
A man is only as good as what he loves. 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。
A man is sitting on a bench. 一位男士正坐在长凳上。
A man is sitting on the desk. 一个男的正坐在桌子上。
A man is tuning the piano. 有人在调钢琴。
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house. 男人只是隐隐约约知道房子里还住着一些小矮人。
A man is walking down the beach and comes across an old bottle. He picks it up, pulls out the cork and out pops a genie. 一个男人正沿着海滩走着,这时漂来一只破旧的瓶子.他把它拣起来,拔出塞子,这时砰的一声出现了一只妖怪.
A man is weal or woe as he thinks himself so. 一个人命运好坏,全看自己如何想.
A man joined to a woman in marriage; a male spouse. 丈夫在婚姻中与女性结合的男子;男性配偶
A man lacking courage and other qualities deemed manly. 软弱的男子,懦夫缺乏勇气和其它所谓男人品质的男人

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