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This machine used mylar for material, it can automatic one-off laminate one side or two sides, it can widely used in laminate casing box、food box、books and magazines、drawing papers、advertisements、certificates、radon glasses' surface and so on., the printin

This machine suitable for complete three way tin-in straight way tin-in and siphon tin-in of dissolve tin slot stakes tin process arts and crafts. 本系列机器适用于三通管接头、直通管接头和弯管接头的扩口及溶锡槽的成型加工。
This machine test cold-endurance of rubber, plastic, shoe, synthetic leather…etc. it's helpful for analyzing both materials and products properties in the cold environment. 本试验机可试验橡胶,塑胶,鞋底,成品鞋,合成皮革……等等之物件在低温下之物性程度,以了解材料或成品在低温或寒冷地区使用之状况.
This machine usage convenience, adopt fission style (include power box and lamp box two parts) ,can Arbitrary fixation place. 该机使用方便,采用分体式(包括电源箱和灯箱两部分),可任意固定摆放。
This machine use Japanese MITSUBISHI touching screen, is very precise, fast switching and stable. It also has function of auto-alarm and auto fault detect. 采用日本三菱触摸屏电脑,具有性能精确、切换速度快、稳定性强等优点,并具备自动报警、自动故障检测、判断功能。
This machine used for measuring and filling several kinds of powdery matter. According to the feedback, the controlling system can automatically modify and adjust the numbers of circle. 该机主要用来对各种粉末状物料进行自动计量和充填工作,通过螺杆的旋转达到充填物料的目的,每次充填物料的多少由伺服电机带动螺杆旋转相应有圈数来控制。
This machine used mylar for material, it can automatic one-off laminate one side or two sides, it can widely used in laminate casing box、food box、books and magazines、drawing papers、advertisements、certificates、radon glasses' surface and so on., the printin 该机以予涂聚脂薄膜为材料,能自动一次性单面、双面复膜,可广泛应用于窗式包装盒、食品盒、书刊、图纸、广告、证件、镭射玻璃等制品的表面复膜,经复膜后的印刷品,防水、经久耐用、图样明晰、立体感强。
This machine was a break-through in ease of use. 这部机器是休息-穿越在使用的安逸方面。
This machine was awarded High Quality Product issued by State Medicine Administrative Bureau of China. 本机曾获国家医药管理局优质产品将。
This machine was hydraulic device,apply with eltctronic controlsystim,it is designed for automatic iperation,actions are smoothly and pressing power is stable.there is an indicator iamp on the machine to ensure that the power supply is normal,automatic ba 本机采用油压作业系统,以及电子控制系统以达到自动作业为目的而设计,作业顺手动力循环均衡,且有电源安全设置及指示灯.自动平衡,压力强大,时间长短,压力大小可依需要调整,适于各式各样鞋底作业。
This machine was made by Uncle Wang . 这台机器是王叔叔造的。
This machine widely applies to seal bags made by linen,cloth,paper and knitted propylene to fill grain,sugar,salt,tea,cotton yarn,medicinal materials,chemical product and etc.goods for factory,storehouse,wharf,forexporting and selling on the home market. 本厂生产的封包机广泛用于工厂、仓库、码头;供出口和内销的盛满粮、糖、盐、茶、棉纱、药材、化工产品等物品的麻、布、纸、编织丙烯袋的封包用。

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