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The dripping faucet is fidgeting me.

The drink was mixed with aromatic spices. 饮料中带有香料。
The drinking water is polluted by microorganism seriously, and the hygiene condition of drinking water for farmers need to be improved urgently. 饮用水微生物污染严重,农民饮水卫生条件亟待改进。
The drinks here are pretty good. But Vask's prices are outrageous. 这里的饮料很不错,只是瓦斯克的价格有点离谱。
The drinks in the club are too expensive. Let's go to a cheap bar first and on to the club later when it's busier. 舞厅里的饮料太贵了。我们先去一个便宜一点的酒吧,等舞厅人多了以后咱们再进去。
The drip type cooler is a fan unit with evaporative pads. 滴水式冷却器是一个带有蒸发填料的风机装置。
The dripping faucet is fidgeting me. 那滴水的龙头令我烦躁。
The drive by a revitalized Russian Orthodox Church to weave its tenets into the education system has prompted a backlash. 驾车被一使俄国的正统教堂恢复生气编织它的主义进入教育制度已经促使一个反作用。
The drive couldn't catch the sight of the other vehicle in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。
The drive down the broken-paved blacktop road was breathtaking as the scenes on each side were of beautiful, unblemished landscapes. 她行驶在那条有修补的柏油路上,看到马路两边美丽动人的风景,感到非常兴奋。
The drive may be to gain power over others. 这力量可能会使你与他人争夺权力。
The drive sparked a rare public demonstration by hundreds of well-heeled Chinese, mostly young dog owners. 这个政策得到数以千计的中国富有的,尤其是中国年轻的狗主人的冷漠对待。

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