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Next year 1m refugees are expected to return to the south, and a census is planned for November to pave the way for elections in the whole of Sudan in 2008.

Next week, we will discuss drying and smoking fish. 应该译为“下周,我们将讨论烘干和熏制鱼肉”。
Next week, when president JiangZeMing comes to Washington, it will be the first state visit by Chinese leader to the United States for more than a decade. 下周,江泽民主席将来到华盛顿,这是中国领导人十多年来首次对美国的国事访问。
Next week,in Atlantic City, New Jersey, fifty-one beautiful women will step out onto a stage. 下周,在新泽西州大西洋城,51位美貌女郎将登台进行角逐。
Next weekend I will jump to lever two C class . 下周末我将转到二阶段的C班学习。
Next will come the revenge of the Thunderer, and every one of the farmer's fields will be a disappointment. 下一步会是怒喝的人的复仇,农田的每一个人会变得失望。
Next year 1m refugees are expected to return to the south, and a census is planned for November to pave the way for elections in the whole of Sudan in 2008. 明年,预计有一百万难民将返回南方,11月计划的人口普查为2008年的全苏丹选举铺路。
Next year Pinedale's school district will pay newly qualified teachers a base salary of $43,000—about the same as in Chicago. 明年,派恩代尔新的合格的教师将会得到最少43,000美金的收入---这几乎和芝加哥的水平一样。
Next year is a presidential year. 明年是总统选举年。
Next year it says it will launch its third manned spaceship into orbit around Earth. 据称,中国明年还将发射第三艘绕地载人飞船。
Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear. 明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽.
Next year the victims' families will not have access to Ground Zero's pit. 明年911事件遇难者的家属将不能进入废墟中心。

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