These essays are written with much literary skill.
这些文章写得很有文采。 |
These ethereal ripples were predicted in 1918 by Albert Einstein, who saw them as an unavoidable consequence of his general theory of relativity.
1918年,爱因斯坦就预测出这些乙太涟漪,这是从他广义相对论里所必然会得到的结论。 |
These even if very convenient to a developer who intends to study and/or improve that software program are mostly cumbersome to deal with when you want a program that Just Works.
尽管这样方便了开发人员研究和改进程序,但如果仅仅是为了让程序跑起来,采用这种方式就显得不那么方便了。 |
These events bode well for us.
这些事件对我们是好兆头。 |
These events correlated with the ancient prophecies.
这些事件与古代预言有相互关系。 |
These events dampened but did not extinguish Twain's cheerful disposition.
这些事很丧气,但并没有改变吐温愉悦的个性。 |
These events force change on all levels and in that respect - act as a cleansing catalyst - especially in the darkest portals on the planet.
这些事件迫使所有层面的改变,有重大关系——就像有净化作用的催化剂——尤其是在行星的黑暗入口处。 |
These events include two kinds of stellar explosions: (1) nova explosions, in which one of the two members of a binary star system hurls dust and gas into space; (2) much more violent supernova explosions, in which a star collapses, then throws off most o
这些事件包括两种类型的恒星爆发:(1)新星爆发,双星系统中的一员将气体和尘埃猛烈抛入太空;(2)更为猛烈的超新星爆发,那是一颗恒星崩溃时几乎把它所有物质都抛出去了。 |
These events led to the declaration of war.
这些事件导致了宣战。 |
These events occurred in the fall of 1962.
这些事情都发生在1962年秋天。 |
These examples are light-hearted and may not be appropriate for all situations or organisations, but the principle can be applied in a more serious way.
这些例子是随意而为的,也许并不适用于所有状况或是组织,但是此一原则可以更严谨地运用。 |