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From meetings to parties, from small cocktail receptions to full sit down dinners, Western or Chinese set up, there is no detail our staff cannot handle smoothly, efficiently.

From makeup products to cleaning lotion and body lotion, we've got series of them. 我们有一系列的产品,从化妆品到洁肤和润肤品。
From management point of view the article analyses factors that are important to the rise and decline of building waterproofing enterprises in the hope of help those self-appreciation enterprises draw lessons from past failure. 从企业管理的角度剖析了制约建筑防水企业兴衰的因素,祈望对目前自我感觉良好的企业有所启示,避免前车之辙。
From marketing research, giving you information where your market is and what your customers want, to creating a concept and building an event to launch a new product, we give you total solutions. 在市场调查中,了解你的市场在哪里,客户需要什么,到启发你创造新的意念,营造市场气氛,组织推广活动,我们为你提供周密的解决方案。
From matching racquets to increasing overall weight, increasing torsional stability, raising the racquet's sweetspot or counter-balancing a head-heavy racquet to make it head-light - all levels of players are finding benefit in customizing their racquets' 从职业比赛中选手用的球拍可以看出,他们自己对球拍的改造,提高了球拍重量,从而提高了球拍的击球稳定性,增大了甜点区域或者使一个头重的球拍变为头轻的球拍——所有级别的选手都是通过自己改造球拍的重量和平衡而在比赛中受益的。
From me is thy fruit found. 我如青翠的松树,你的果子从我而得。
From meetings to parties, from small cocktail receptions to full sit down dinners, Western or Chinese set up, there is no detail our staff cannot handle smoothly, efficiently. 酒店拥有完善的会议设施设奋,从20人到1500人的会议,专业的宴会服务职员都将为您做出妥善的安排。
From men with Your hand, O Lord, From men of the world, whose portion is in this life, And whose belly You fill with Your treasure; They are satisfied with children, And leave their abundance to their babes. 诗17:14耶和华阿、求你用手救我脱离世人、脱离那只在今生有福分的世人.你把你的财宝充满他们的肚腹.他们因有儿女就心满意足、将其馀的财物留给他们的婴孩。
From mercury and the tiny battery cells to the large car batteries. 说完水银和小型电池,再谈谈大型的汽车电池。
From mid-August through October 2003, during the fall migration period, at least 400 bats died at FPL Energy's 44-turbine Mountaineer Wind Energy Center on Backbone Mountain in West Virginia. 2003年8月中旬到10月,在蝙蝠的秋季迁徙期间,至少有400只蝙蝠,死于弗罗里达电力与照明集团(FPL)设于美国西维吉尼亚州巴克本山「登山家风力发电中心」的44座涡轮下。
From midfield you can speed the play up and be more attacking if you need a goal. 在中场你可以加快比赛的节奏,在球队需要的时候你要更有攻击性。
From moment to moment, a wise man removes his own impurities, as a smith removes the dross of silver. 聪明的人时常清除内心的污垢,就如同工匠清理银矿中的杂质。

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