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It is no exaggeration to say that China's economic future depends on these reforms.

It is no doubt to his faithfulness. 他的忠诚无可置疑。
It is no easy task to rein in these exports due to the rapid expansion of investment on the production capacity in the previous years. 由于这些行业前几年投资增长过快,已形成较大生产能力,控制这些产品出口的难度较大。
It is no easy thing for me to memorize all these telephone numbers. 熟记这些电话号码对我来说真不是一件容易的事情。
It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason / cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, three/some factors shout louder/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others. 要提供/辨别/找到某事物的每一个原因并不简单,但总体上有三个/一些相对较为突出的因素。
It is no evil for things to undergo change, and no good for things to subsist in consequence of change. 事物经历变化并无罪恶,由变化而保持存在也无善可言。
It is no exaggeration to say that China's economic future depends on these reforms. 毫不夸张的说,这些改革的成败将决定中国经济的未来。
It is no exaggeration to say that Mitterrand was instrumental in making EEC cooperation a possibility. 说是密特朗牵起了欧洲经济共同体合作的可能并不为过。
It is no exaggeration to say that we can live on compliments. 说我们可以靠赞美过活并不夸张。
It is no fun betting on a sure thing. 对必然要发生的事打赌是毫无意义的。
It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定个约会也没有用。
It is no good having a super model of a horse if it has not got the right aptitude for learning and a heart big enough to keep trying when the chips are down. 如果马匹没有善于学习的资质,和在紧要关头不断努力的雄心,再好的身体也是徒劳。

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