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During the Paleocene there was a great deal of coevolution of plants and animals , the plants evolving adaptations to animal pollination and fruit and seed dispersal.

During the Norman Conquest British officialdom took on French as their official language. 诺曼人征服英国期间,英国官场采用法语作为官方语言。
During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Kou Qianzhi, a famous Taoist, and other Taoists began to paint celestials of Taoism. 南北朝时,著名的嵩山道士寇谦之与其他道教徒也开始画道教的神仙图。
During the Nylon 6 production, the small white point can be seen in chips after extracting under UV lamp sometimes, the spinnability of the chips with white point was poorer. 摘要在锦纶6切片生产过程中,有时会发现萃取后的切片在伍德灯下产生反射白点,这种白点切片的可纺性较差。
During the Olympic Torch Relay, torch runners pass the Olympic flame from Ancient Olympia, Greece, to the stadium of the city hosting the Opening Ceremony of the Games. 在奥林匹克火炬接力中,火炬手们将奥运圣火从希腊的古奥林匹亚传递到奥运会开幕式举办城市的体育场。
During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes. 在奥运会期间,他们将会在奥林匹克村和奥林匹克城将为了运动员们进行义演。
During the Paleocene there was a great deal of coevolution of plants and animals , the plants evolving adaptations to animal pollination and fruit and seed dispersal. 在这个时期中,发生了许多植物和动物的共同进化,植物进化以适应动物授粉以及果实和种子的传播。
During the Paleozoic times, six evolutionary stages in the EQM are from the South China Province to North China Province, then to South China Province to North China paleoland and finally to South China Province to North China Province, which constitute t 总之,在古生代,东秦岭经历了由华南生物省→华北生物省→华南生物省→华北陆→华南生物省→华北生物省6个阶段,组成3个演变旋回。
During the Period of Japanese colonialist domination, there were five Chinese chamber of commerces in Dalian, namely Dalian urban chamber of commerce, Dalian Xi-gang chamber of commerce, West-Dalian chamber of commerce, Liu-jia-tun chamber of commerce and 摘要日本殖民统治时期,大连市内共有5个华人商会组织并存,即大连市商会、大连西岗商会、西大连商会、刘家屯商民会、寺儿沟商民会。
During the Persian Gulf War, General Luck commanded the XVIII Airborne Corps. 勒克将军是一名非常有经验的陆军飞行员,他最初是作为一名庄稼军官来训练的。
During the Proletarian Great Culture Revolution, the mentalism and metaphysics in science were criticized by Chinese. 摘要“文革”期间,我国开展过一系列批判自然科学理论中“唯心主义”和“形而上学”等“资产阶级思想”的活动。
During the Recce on 22nd March 2007, all special stages will not be closed. 2007年3月22日勘路期间,所有赛段将不封闭。

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