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And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the peoples; all who burden themselves with her will be cut up.

And in so doing, your connection to source and your connection to God Goddess All That Is shall be repaired, one step at a time. 这样做,你和源头的连接,你和神/女神,一切万有的连接就会被修复,每次走一步(一步一个脚印)。
And in some sanctuaries, the extraction of oil and gas is allowed. 而在另一些地区,石油和天然气的开采也是准许的。
And in striking contrast to the two bigger deals, which are bogged down[1] in legal and political quagmires, it is likely to proceed smoothly. 而且,与陷入法律和政治泥潭而停滞不前的前述两单大买卖形成鲜明对比的是,这一次有可能一帆风顺。
And in terms of spectacle, he was right. 某种程度上他是对的。
And in that day I will break the bow of Israel In the valley of Jezreel. 5到那日,我必在耶斯列山谷折断以色列的弓。
And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the peoples; all who burden themselves with her will be cut up. 3那日,我必使耶路撒冷向万民成为一块沉重的石头;凡举起的,必受重伤。
And in that day I will punish All who leap over the threshold, Who fill their master's house With violence and deceit. 9到那日,我必惩罚一切跳过门槛,将强暴和诡诈充满他们主人房屋的。
And in that day a great panic from Jehovah will be among them; and each will seize his neighbor's hand, and his hand will rise up against his neighbor's hand. 13那日,必有极大的惊恐从耶和华临到他们中间;他们各人必揪住自己邻舍的手,举手攻击自己的邻舍。
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. 赛4:1在那日、七个女人必拉住一个男人、说、我们吃自己的食物、穿自己的衣服.但求你许我们归你名下.求你除掉我们的羞耻。
And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. 赛29:18那时、聋子必听见这书上的话.瞎子的眼、必从迷蒙黑暗中得以看见。
And in that day their burden will be removed from your shoulders, and their yoke from off your neck; and the yoke will be broken due to the fatness. 27到那日,亚述的重担必离开你的肩头,他的轭必离开你的颈项;那轭也必因肥壮的缘故撑断。

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