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Arteria Thyroidea Ima and Its Clinical Significance

Around innovative teaching mode, this paper makes an account of the interaction in course of teaching between teacher and student, project and snippy design as well as theory and practice. 介绍了教学过程中师生互动、案例与学生片段设计的互动、理论与实践互动的教学创新模式。
Arrange the integrative experinment include horse race lamp, number tube, buzzer, A/D, D/A and LCD experinments. 安排的综合实验内容包括有跑马灯、数码管、蜂鸣器、A/D、D/A、LCD等。
Arsonic the harmful element in the ore, is found mainly in the form of arsenopyrite and As-containing pyrite. 矿石中有害元素砷主要以毒砂和含砷黄铁矿的矿物形式存在。
Art Originates from the Closest Life--On Title of Creation of Chinese Portait 简谈中国人物画的创作题材
Art as the Existence of Life in a Godless World: Nietzschean Metaphysics of Arts and the Modernity Issues 艺术:无神世界的生命存在——尼采的艺术形而上学与现代性问题
Arteria Thyroidea Ima and Its Clinical Significance 甲状腺最下动脉及其临床意义
Arteriovenous malformation in Sylvian fissue 侧裂区动静脉畸形0例报告
Arthropod Community and Integrated Management of Major Pests in Chinese Olive Orchard 橄榄园节肢动物群落与主要害虫综合治理
Arthropods (e.g. termites) and annelid (e.g. earthworms) metabolise CH and N O, respectively. 节肢动物 (白蚁 )和环节动物 (蚯蚓 )是分别代谢CH 和N O的两个关键性生态功能类群。
Arthroscopic evaluation on cartilage degeneration was graded by Ogilvie-Harris method. 关节镜术中,对软骨退变程度依照Ogilvie-Harris法分级。
Arthroscopy in the Management of Septic Coxitis 急性化脓性髋关节炎的关节镜治疗

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