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Currently managing partner of Greenbridge Capital, a boutique investment bankingfirm in Beijing, specializing in financial advisory service to private placement and M&A in the middle market.

Currently in use is more slimming products appetite inhibitors, should be used to its side effects, which normally takes the doctor used under the guidance of the drug, side effects and dosage of the drug, the greater the dose the greater side effects, wh 目前所用的减肥药多是食欲抑制剂,使用应注意其副作用,一般需在医生的指导下服用,药物的副作用与药物剂量有关,药量越大副作用也越大,同时每个人对药物的敏感性也不一样,因而应从小剂量开始,逐渐增加剂量至有效;另外用药期间不能突然中断,也应逐渐减量直至停用,服药前或期间检查血生化如血糖、血脂,监测体重,必要时及时调整用药量。
Currently infrastructures for traffic, power and telecommunication have been completed. 岛上道路、电讯等基础设施和配套已基本完成。
Currently it has more than 10,000 employees. 2003年出口额达14.6亿美元。
Currently it is imperative to construct the system of Habeas Corpus in our country. 当前,我国构建人身保护令制度有其必要性。
Currently it is well established that each of the three parts of the hair follicle (infundibulum, isthmus, and the inferior portion) originates different types of cutaneous cysts Thus, we can see several types of follicular cysts include infundibular cyst 摘要目前已经知道由毛囊的漏斗部、峡部以及下部可产生不同的囊肿,因此我们在病理下可发现类表皮囊肿、外毛根鞘囊肿及毛发基质瘤。
Currently managing partner of Greenbridge Capital, a boutique investment bankingfirm in Beijing, specializing in financial advisory service to private placement and M&A in the middle market. 学过物理,计算机和商业,从事过软件开发,硬件市场营销和风险投资,先后在美国,香港和北京工作。
Currently one of the major challenges associated with making MgB2 a useful superconducting material is to increase its critical current density at higher magnetic fields. 要将硼化镁制成有用的超导材料,目前最主要的挑战之一,就是如何在较高的磁场下增加临界电流密度。
Currently our efforts are focused on diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and on diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and diseases involving the blood and bone marrow. 现在我们把心力投注于神经与心血管系统方面的疾病,以及糖尿病、自体免疫疾病,还有与血液、骨髓相关的疾病。
Currently over 450 American franchisers have international operations and more than 1,000 plan to go international over the next five years. 目前,有超过450家美国特许权持有人已经开拓了国际市场,目前还有超过1000家的企业也有计划在5年内走向国际市场。
Currently planned to enter service in 2012 and 2015 – although those dates will be subject to revision at Main Gate – the two ships will displace about 65,000 tons apiece. 尽管可能会受到主要节点的影响,这两艘航空母舰现在计划的服役时间分别是2012年和2015年,它们将各自有6万5千吨的排水量。
Currently protons are roughly 1,836 times the mass of electrons. 目前质子的质量约为电子的1836倍。

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