There are also some “out of” phrases that have to do with our senses.
另外也有一些词是和我们的感官有关连的。 |
There are also songs, sayings and superstitions.
还有歌曲、名言和迷信传说。 |
There are also specialized courts dealing with maritime, commercial and labor disputes.
高等法院受理初等法院的上诉,最高法院(有15名法官)受理来自高等法院的上诉。 |
There are also strange records, like the Englishman who balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilogrammes on his head for thirty-three seconds!
也有奇特的记录:一位英国人头上顶着一辆重159.6千克的小汽车有33秒之久。 |
There are also tactical movements he needs to work on, and then he will be even stronger.
同样,他也需要战术跑位的训练,他将会更强大。” |
There are also thousands of companies bankrupt or closed.
同样也有成千上万的公司破产或关门大吉。 |
There are also two common law holidays on Good Friday and Christmas Eve.
还有两个习惯法假日:耶稣受难节和圣诞节前夕。 |
There are also two insurgent factions in the game, to let you play as the rebels.
同时游戏中也提供了两种反叛武装的派别来供你选择. |
There are also utensils for squeezing lemons and oranges and for opening cans.
还有些器具用于挤柠檬汁、桔子汁和开罐头。 |
There are always celebrations and festivals held.
很多时候都有庆祝会和盛典的举行。 |
There are always conflicts between suppliers and retailers.
摘要供应商与零售商的矛盾长期存在。 |