Most currencies are trading a long way from that yardstick.
多数国家以汇率为基准进行商贸交易。 |
Most current NBA small forwards are between 6'5and 6'11in height.
目前NBA小前锋的身高约莫在6'5到6'11之间。 |
Most current earth-penetrating missiles achieve their impact speeds—around 450 meters a second—simply from the force of gravity.
目前最新的钻地飞弹完全依靠重力获得冲击速度(约为每秒450公尺)。 |
Most damagingly, they turned up a 1952 memorandum in which he supported the “separate but equal” Plessy ruling of 1896, which had established segregation.
更麻烦的是,他们发现了他的一份1952年的备忘录,里面他支持“分离但平等”的1896年制定的建立起种族歧视的法律。 |
Most dangerous is the storm surge, a wall of water that sweeps across the coastline where hurricane makes landfall.
最危险的是风暴潮,它会在飓风登陆处形成一道水墙,横扫海岸线。 |
Most deep ocean basins range in depth from about 4 to 6 kilometers, with some narrow trenches near Pacific Ocean Basin margins dropping to as low as 11 km below sea level.
大多数海盆在深度上从4公里到6公里左右,在太平洋附近海盆边缘有些狭窄海沟可以陡降到海平面以下11公里处。 |
Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling from above.
大多数深海动物以上方落下的颗粒物质为食,这些物质基本上都是通过光合作用形成的。 |
Most definitions of culture emphasize that it is complex and dynamic, comprised of the shared solutions to problems faced by the group.
对文化的大多数定义都强调,文化是复杂的、动态的,包含了解决人类社会所面临的各种问题的部分方案。 |
Most developer forums are for helping out – not for doing YOUR job.
大多数开发论坛是帮你解决问题而不是完成你的工作的。 |
Most diamonds today are not found in stream beds, however.
然而今天大部分钻石不是在河床里找到的。 |
Most diamonds today are not found in streambeds, but are mined from rock formations deep inside the earth.
今天的大部分钻石不是从河床中发现的,而是从深藏在地下的岩石组织中开采出来的. |