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When passing on their experiences, they had to exercise extreme caution, lest being accused of heresy.

When parents react by smiling or providing a compliment when their child says “Yes”, this positive feedback encourages him to be more willing to answer in the same fashion in the future. 若孩子说「好」时,父母能报以热切的微笑及赞美,对孩子肯定的态度给予正面的回应,他会很快地学会说「好」。
When parsing from a text file using a space delimiter, control characters shall be treated the same as the space character. 当用一个空白分界符号从一个文字档中分析时,控制字元必须被当作跟空白字元相同.
When participants thought they were known to the experimenter and were having their performance assessed, men dropped more bombs than women did. 当受试者认为实验人员认识他们并且在评估他们的表现时,男性比女性投掷了更多炸弹。
When parting , also only, wave in other words , sound good-byeto everybody , will see tomorrow. 在告别的时候,也只是向大家挥挥手或者说声“再见”、“明天见”。
When passengers who rode the escalator tried to get off, they were jammed by the ones who waited trains on the platform. 当那些搭乘电扶梯的旅客要下电扶梯时,他们却被在月台候车的旅客塞住。
When passing on their experiences, they had to exercise extreme caution, lest being accused of heresy. 当他们传承这些经验时,他们不得不极其小心,唯恐被控为异教徒。
When passing through smoke, try to lower yourself to the ground, and cover your mouth/nose with a wet towel. 穿过浓烟逃生时,要尽量使身体贴近地面,并用湿毛巾捂住口鼻。
When patients cannot feel their feet and their circulation is impaired through peripheral vascular disease, the risk of neuropathy is greatly increased. 当病人双足无感觉,外周血管病引起循环障碍时,神经病变危险就大幅增加。
When patients stayed in the hospital ten or fifteen days, most of them were still conalescing and a nurse could focus on her three or four acute-care patients. 当患者在医院住上十或十五天后,大部分会逐渐康复,护士也就可以集中精力在三四名急症治疗的患者身上。
When pattern masking is complete the top coat (tile/paver colour) can be applied by spray or trowel. This process also dictates the final desired texture and colour fleck finish. 铺好压花模板后,接着喷射或涂抹表面色料(地板砖颜色),这一步也是最后的图案是否理想,颜色是是否新鲜的关键所在。
When patterns are broken,new worlds can emerge. 打破固定的模式,新世界才能出现。/ 破旧立新。

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