The premiership must be shaking in its boots, thank god they play for us.
他们的射门令英超震撼,谢天谢地,他们是我们切尔西的球员。 |
The premise continues and tells you that you have control over your actual cellular structure.
前提继续而且告诉你,你能控制你的实际的细胞的结构。 |
The premise of learning English well is learn how to use English to think.
要学好英语就要处处学习用英语思考。 |
The premise of the expanding/contracting dialog is to present a set of controls on a dialog to the user, and then allow access to the rest of the advancedcontrols if the user clicks the appropriate button to expand the dialog.
一个可扩展/收缩的对话框,它可以为用户提供一组控件,当用户点击了适当的按钮来扩展对话框时,它可以让用户访问“高级”的功能。 |
The premise of the normal luck camp next,expand the market share actively.
正常运营的前提下,积极开拓市场占有率。 |
The premise that urban population would migrate to outskirts is that there are identical levels of living establishments, employment opportunities, and services in the suburb.
它不是引导农村人口向中心市区移动,而是引导市区人口向外疏散,同时引导农村人口向卫星城、中心镇等城镇迁移。 |
The premise to happy marriage is that one strives to meet the others needs.
幸福婚姻的前提是:各自努力去满足对方的需要。 |
The premise: chronicle teenagers who want to reconstruct their bodies and faces to mold themselves into a Hollywood ideal(such as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston).
我的翻译:它很清楚现在的年轻人都想重塑自己的身材和脸蛋,使自己成为好莱坞的“理想人物”(就像布拉德?彼特和詹妮弗?安妮斯顿一样)。 |
The premium is 2.50 per 1 000 ofcoverand you pay 250 premi um annually.
但是每1000英镑的保险费是2.50英镑,而你每年付250英镑的保险金。 |
The premium is to be calculated in this way.
保险费是这样计算的。 |
The premium resulting from issuance of shares at a price above par value shall be allocated to the company's capital reserve fund.
以超过票面金额发行股票所得溢价款列入公司资本公积金。 |