Self-powered cleaning to timely cycle to blow out dust completely.
自带清灰动力,定时旋转分室喷吹,清灰彻底。 |
Self-praise is no recommendation.
自夸不足为自荐。 |
Self-preservation is the first law of nature.
自我保存,是自然界的首要法则。 |
Self-priming plastic magnetic pump adopts an outer recirculation structure combining foreign advanced technology.
结合国外的先进技术,采用外混式结构的自吸塑料磁力泵。 |
Self-provided large paper roll hoisting equipment and handiness &immediacy.
自备大纸卷起重设备,操作方便快捷。 |
Self-publicist is every kid.
自我表现性。 |
Self-recognition helps us move forward. Respecting others helps us obtain favorable conditions.
肯定自己,才能向前;尊重别人,才有助缘。 |
Self-regulation is a common thread running through the work of the commissions.
自我调节是贯穿于各专门委员会的共同思路。 |
Self-reliance is a most important virtue of anyone who wants to be successful.
自力更生对任何想成功的人而言都是一种非常重要的美德。 |
Self-reliance is necessary if you want to achieve anything.
如果你想有所成就,自力更生是很必要的。 |
Self-replicating nanobots would be the equivalent of a new parasitic life-form, and there might be no way to keep them from expanding indefinitely until everything on earth became an undifferentiated mass of gray goo.
自我复制奈米机器人等于是一种新的寄生生命形式,而我们可能无法制止它们无止境地扩张,直到地球上的一切都变成毫无特色、灰蒙蒙的黏稠物为止。 |