Browning of the margins of the lower leaves spreads both inwards across the leaf surface and upwards on the plant (cv. Hurricane).
菊花缺钾:叶缘黄化或棕褐色,但取决于缺钾程度,植株生长不一定受到影响.下部叶片叶缘褐色斑块向内扩散到整个叶片表面及向上扩展整个植株. |
Browsable archive in the form of monthly calendars where you can click on specific days.
可浏览的归档,以月历的形式,可以点击某一天。 |
Browse by Author allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all authors of items in DSpace.
按作者浏览:您可以按条目作者的字母顺序浏览所有条目。 |
Browse by Date allows you to move through a list of all items in DSpace in reverse chronological order.
按日期浏览:您可以按条目日期的顺序浏览所有条目。 |
Browse by Title allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all titles of items in DSpace.
按题名浏览:您可以按条目题名的字母顺序浏览所有条目。 |
Browse the Culture Shock Photo Gallery, filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures.
浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界里。 |
Browse your computer to choose the file you wish to share.
浏览您的电脑选择您希望分享的文件。 |
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Bru Then none have I offended.
勃鲁托斯那么我没有得罪什么人。 |
Bruce Dale, Palmdale, California, 1977, Streams of light trace a Lockheed TriStar l***ing on automatic pilot. From the cockpit Dale activated two cameras mounted on the aircraft's vertical stabilizer.
美国加利福尼亚,棕榈谷,1977年,布鲁斯·戴尔,光的流线追踪着一架靠自动导航降落的洛克希德三星喷气飞机。戴尔坐在驾驶舱中启动在垂直稳定翼上的2架相机的快门。 |
Bruce Dale, Palmdale, California, 1977, Streams of light trace a Lockheed TriStar landing on automatic pilot. From the cockpit Dale activated two cameras mounted on the aircraft's vertical stabilizer.
美国加利福尼亚,棕榈谷,1977年,布鲁斯·戴尔,光的流线追踪着一架靠自动导航降落的洛克希德三星喷气飞机。戴尔坐在驾驶舱中启动在垂直稳定翼上的2架相机的快门。 |