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The arching surface of the lens body is specially designed according to the characteristics of the mouth &fauces dissection, which can meet the intubatton requirement for those patients, who got a high pharynx.

The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
The archers shot King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, Take me away, for I am badly wounded. 代下35:23弓箭手射中约西亚王.王对他的臣仆说、我受了重伤、你拉我出阵罢。
The archetypal pattern of Bearer of Ascension is gifted at map carving ascension to the next dimension, and may well be one of the first to attempt and fulfill upon such a goal. 本原型模式擅长为提升到下一密度进行地图刻画,并可能是尝试并实现该目标的第一批成员之一。
The archetypal pattern of Bearer of Harmony is gifted at harmonizing others so that unity and synthesis may prevail amongst the many of a group or human civilization at large. 和谐肩负者的原型模式,擅长于协调他人,好让统一与综合能在群体或人类文明中普遍盛行。
The archetypical Cannon was used all across the world by the mid to late 15th century. 在十五世纪中晚期世界各地都在使用加农炮。
The arching surface of the lens body is specially designed according to the characteristics of the mouth &fauces dissection, which can meet the intubatton requirement for those patients, who got a high pharynx. 麻亮爽镜体的弓形面设计依据口咽部解剖特点,可以满足高咽头病人插管要求。
The archishop was a leading and colourful figure in French high society.He fled to England in 1791 after escaping the guillotine during the French Revolution. 纳巴达大主教曾是法国上流社会的一位重量级人物。在法国大革命过程中,他成功逃离了断头台的处罚,并于1791年逃往英格兰。
The architect diagramed the floor plan to show how he would divide the office space. 建筑师画了楼面的平面图以表示他将如何划分办公场地。
The architect drew the house in section. 建筑师画出房子的剖面图。
The architect has been offered carte blanche in de-signing this new building. 建筑师有自由设计这栋新楼房的权力。
The architect is meeting a client this morning. 建筑师今天上午会见一名委托人。

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