8 Q: Why does the Young Person assessment only apply to under 28 year olds?
青年评估为什么仅仅适用于28岁下? |
8 Schmaljohn C S, and Dalrymple J M.Hantaviruses, Encyclopeolia of Virology, vol.2, (Edited by R.G. webster and A.Granoff). p544.
7姚小剑,俞永新,安祺.检测流行性出血热病毒滴度和中和抗体的半微量空斑减少中和试验.病毒学报,1988,4(4)∶347-350. |
8 Server approaches the table and inquires if the guests are ready to order.
服务员在合适的时机问客人是否准备好点单。 |
8 She has done what she could; she has anointed My body beforehand for the burial.
8她作了她所能的;她是为我的安葬,豫先膏我的身体。 |
8 Sometimes not even the Feds know what the tally is -- which doesn't bode well for the new spirit of intelligence cooperation in Washington.
有时连联邦调查局调查员也不知道目标在何处,这对华盛顿情报合作的新精神而言并非好的预兆。 |
8 Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children ?Best wishes for you !
还记得儿时我们共度中秋的那个吗?祝你中秋节快乐! |
8 Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you!
还记得儿时我们共度的那个中秋吗?祝你节日快乐。 |
8 The Employer shall be responsible for the national standard drawing, ministerial standard drawing and local standard drawings.
8设计文件中选用的国家标准图、部标准图及地方标准图由发包人负责解决。 |
8 The Magic stat determines the strength and effectiveness of magic.
(魔力主导决定使用魔法产生的威力和效果。) |
8 The Permit Holder shall ensure that all stockpile areas are covered and intercepting drains are provided to prevent stormwater runoff from washing across exposed soil surfaces or stockpiled areas.
许可证持有人须确保贮料区用物被覆盖和设有截流渠,以免雨水径流冲刷外露泥土面层或贮料区。 |
8 The Permit Holder shall prepare a Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) based on the endorsed CAP.
许可证持有人须按照经已批准的污染评估计划拟备一份污染评估报告。 |