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If the code above is not in the topside blog, it only can push the title down, but not the date.

If the clouds are full, they pour out rain upon the earth; and whether a tree falls toward the south or toward the north, wherever the tree falls, there it lies. 传11:3云若满了雨、就必倾倒在地上.树若向南倒、或向北倒、树倒在何处、就存在何处。
If the coach wants, I am ready. 如果教练需要我上场,我将全力以赴。”
If the coached enterprise cannot pass the Certification Audit by the reason of our company's factor, we will provide the service free, until they have passed it. 上海百嘉技术咨询有限公司将随时热情接受并满足在质量、环境、职业安全与健康管理体系或其他管理体系有认证咨询或培训需求的组织的电信联系,更热诚欢迎莅临本公司随访并指导。
If the coal mined from a newly-built coal mine is of high-sulfur or high-ash, supporting facilities for the dressing of coal by washing shall be installed to make the sulfur and ash in coal fall within the prescribed limits. 新建的所采煤炭属于高硫份、高灰份的煤矿,必须建设配套的煤炭洗选设施,使煤炭中的含硫份、含灰份达到规定的标准。
If the coal mined from an established coal mine is of high-sulfur or high-ash, supporting facilities for the dressing of coal by washing shall be installed within a time limit in accordance with the plan approved by the State Council. 对已建成的所采煤炭属于高硫份、高灰份的煤矿,应当按照国务院批准的规划,限期建成配套的煤炭洗选设施。
If the code above is not in the topside blog, it only can push the title down, but not the date. 我跑到了标题的上面,哈哈.注意,如果含以上代码的帖子不是在最顶上是压不了日期的,只能压标题.
If the code updated, please send a copy to author. 如果您更新了代码,请发送一份给作者。
If the collapse if not perfectly spherical, the supernova will give off an intense burst of gravitational waves. 如果蹋缩过程不是沿着完美的球形,超新星将在瞬间发出强烈的引力波。
If the collar won't stay in place. I shall have to pin it bock. 如果领子不合适,我将不得不用针将它别好。
If the column doesn't break easily, don't force it! 如果柱不能折断,不能强行用力。
If the company becomes popular, many people will invest their money, buy more stock, and the price of the stock will go up. 如果这间公司变得很受欢迎,那麽就会有更多人将他们的钱拿来买这间公司的股票,而股票的价格也会跟著上涨。

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