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Because diaper in the market spent a lot on commercial advertisement, packaging, profit for middle man; but this diaper is depending on mouth-to-mouth advertisement, distributing brochure, on-line selling.

Because democracy is about freedom but also about rule of law, so, while we protect full-fledged freedoms of the press, speech, assembly, and association, and also protect the right of individuals to express their different political opinions, we still be 因为民主即包含有自由但是更包含法制,因此,我们完全保护关于印刷,演讲,集会和结社的自由,也保护个人表达不同政见的权利,我们也坚信任何事情都要遵循法律。
Because dendritic spines are the sites of connection between neighbouring nerve cells, the increased number may mean more activity in the fathers' brains than in those of the non-fathers. 由于树突棘是领近神经细胞之间相接触的地方,因此树突棘数量的增多可能意味着父绒猴大脑内的活动比非父绒猴的要多。
Because dengue was long confined to the tropics, it remains a little-understood disease. 因为登革热病很长时期仅限于热带地区,所以它仍然是一种不被了解的病毒。
Because depend on a national American company to feel the insecurity alone, they need another nation to be the backing. 因为单独依赖一个国家美国公司觉的不安全,他们需要另外一个国家作为后盾。
Because depression and anxiety both involve, among other things, an imbalance of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 因为忧郁和焦虑等一类病症都与神经传递素复合胺的失衡有关。
Because diaper in the market spent a lot on commercial advertisement, packaging, profit for middle man; but this diaper is depending on mouth-to-mouth advertisement, distributing brochure, on-line selling. 因为市场所卖的牌子花很多钱在打广告,华丽包装,中间人的利润;此尿片的卖法是靠顾客良好的口碑,派传单,网上推销。
Because dinosaurs are extinct the scientists had very little to go on. 因为恐龙已经灭绝,科学家几乎无法研究。
Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. 因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。可以让人变得健康。
Because driving site visitors through a prescribed conversion channel is often not applicable in B2B, your focus should be on “stickiness,” getting visitors to delve deeper to other relevant, confidence-building content. 因为推进网站的访问者通过规定的转化道路在B2B业务上通常是不适用的,你的焦点将是在粘度上,是访问者来深入地钻研有关部门的信息,营造信心的内容。
Because during the sedimentation of the flood plain-estuary fades, the conditions of sea level rising, tidal regime, sediment supply and accommodation space were suitable for the development of a tidal ridge system, the sand lenses associated with this fa 在河漫滩-河口湾相沉积期问,由于海平面上升、潮流体系、沉积物供给和可容空间条件适合一个潮流沙脊体系的发育,其中的砂质透镜体可能代表了下切河谷内发育的潮流沙脊。
Because each factor to affect the stability of slope takes on randomicity, the paper introduces the theory of reliability mathematics into analyzing slope's stability, and puts forward some formulas to calculate slope's reliability. 摘要本文将可靠性数学的相关理论引入斜坡稳定分析中,结合斜坡在变形破坏中的各影响因素均具有一定随机性的实际情况,提出了基于概率方法的斜坡稳定性可靠性计算公式,具有一定的现实意义。

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