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Mr Jones played fairy godmother to the boys and had a baseball field made for them.

Mr Johnson: Yes, I have had a chance to look over your proposal. 是,我已经把你的企划从头到尾看过了。
Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
Mr Jones has a natural constituency among steel workers . 琼斯先生在钢铁工人中自有一批人拥护.
Mr Jones insured house against fire for fifteen thousand dollars with the company. 琼斯先生的房子向这家公司保了15000美元的火险。
Mr Jones only take his cream puff out for a drive on Sunday. 琼斯先生只是星期天才驾着他那辆二手车出去兜风。
Mr Jones played fairy godmother to the boys and had a baseball field made for them. 琼斯先生帮助这些男孩子并为他们建造了一个棒球场。
Mr Jones takes the cake as a story teller. 琼斯先生讲故事是无与伦比的。
Mr Jones was a traveller for a firm of manufacturing chemists. 琼斯先生一直在为一家药厂跑销售。
Mr Jordan, for all his bragging, seems to have been a scrupulous and effective editor. 尽管其浮夸,乔丹先生看上去已经是一个谨慎和有效率的编辑。
Mr Justice Stevenson said the incident ought to be brought to the attention of the railway officals. 史蒂文蒧法官说这件事情应该受到铁路部门的重视。
Mr Kabila hoped this would weaken Mr Nkunda. 卡比拉总统希望此举能够削弱恩昆达的实力。

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