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In the grave the rich and poor lie equal.

In the gloomy and simple apartments with choky smokes, you can taste the real flavor of life. 在阴暗、简陋的筒子楼里,在呛人的油烟气味中,令人饱尝了生活的真实滋味。
In the glow of dawn, he saw the wolf, low on the trail, watching them. 透过黎明的晨光,他看见一只狼正猫着身子看着他们。
In the glow, the water of the chateau fountain seemed to turn to blood, and the stone faces crimsoned. 朝霞里,庄园的喷泉似乎变成了血,石像的脸染成了猩红。
In the golden October of 2006, Modern Mold &Diereported and jointed the 1st International Workshop on High Speed, High Precision Manufacturingwhich was hosted Shanghai Jiao Tong University National Mold CAD Project Research center, and its co-organization 2006年的金秋十月,秋高气爽,《现代模具》再次独家报道了世界顶级的高速高精度加工技术会议,由上海交通大学国家模具CAD工程研究中心主办、上海市模具行业协会协办、日本沙迪克株式会社赞助的“第一届高速高精度加工国际研讨会”在上海交通大学浩然高科技大楼隆重召开。
In the grasses bracts are borne in pairs below the spikelets and are called glumes. 在禾本科植物中苞片成对生长在每一个小穗的基部,称为颖片。
In the grave the rich and poor lie equal. 一朝入暮穴,贫富皆一律。
In the great anti-Japanese national liberation war, China's international image gets an exaltation and China's great-nation station gets a complete remoulding, shown in the following aspects: the outstanding contribution of the Chinese theatre and the hug 摘要在伟大的抗日民族解放战争中,中国的国际形象得到提高、大国地位得到全面重塑,具体表现在:中国战场的突出贡献和中华民族的巨大牺牲为中国大国地位的提高奠定了基础;不平等条约的废除使中国成为国际社会的平等一员,中国的大国地位开始转机;跻身世界“四强”是中国国际地位提高的集中表现,标志着中国大国地位的正式确立;国共两党都为中国国际地位的提高做出了重大的贡献。
In the great movement, Sichuan students studying in Japan had propagated continuously the fighting for the railway and then led and pushed forward the movement from a petition to an armed uprising, giving a heavy blow to the government of the Qing Dynasty 在这场伟大的运动中,川籍留日学生先是进行了持续的争路宣传,其后又领导和推动了运动从和平请愿抗争发展到武装起义,给腐朽的清政府以沉重的打击,加速了它的灭亡。
In the great of these works, he also suggests the undercurrent of disillusion that accompanies such ecstasy, the human suffering which forever question the visionary transcendence achieved by art. 在这些作品中,他对资本主义社会现实又不满,他的诗歌却常常带有唯美主义色彩。
In the grid computing environment, resources are distributed, heterogeneous, dynamical and autonomous, so the job scheduling is one of the challenging task. 摘要由于网格资源具有分布、异构、动态、自治等特性,使得网格作业调度成为网格计算中具有挑战性的任务之一。
In the ground floor zones there are humanly scaled, shady arcades, which with generously sized windows entice shopping and browsing. 建筑一楼部分拥有人性化尺度的连拱廊,做为人们休憩的荫凉处;连拱廊大方宽阔的窗洞,邀请着人们至此休憩停留,并由此进入购物中心。

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