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Behind the scenes is where you'll find the very best bargains. Advertise, and let people know what you want. That works, too.

Behind the house lies a river. 房后有一条河.
Behind the intelligence reports are neo-conservative Americans with one aim in mind: regime change. 而隐藏在这些情报报告之后的则是那些奉行新保守主义的美国人,他们心中的目标只有一个:政权更迭。
Behind the landing DC10, line-up and hold. DC10降落后,允许进跑道等待。
Behind the latest row are American complaints that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) broke its own rules by disbursing Western currency to North Korean citizens—and possibly abetted the Pyongyang government's military ambitions—as it adminis 在最近的论战中,美国抱怨联合国开发计划署(UNDP)在掌管每年200万美元的农业规划资金期间,违反自身规定把西方国家的钱花在朝鲜公民身上,并且认为这一行为很有可能助长平壤政府的军事野心。
Behind the pub is a small alleyway with trash cans and a brick wall. It is through this wall that the magic portal opens to take visitors into Diagon Alley. 酒吧后面是一条摆了垃圾桶的小街,上面有一道砖墙,这就是能把人带到对角巷的魔径了。
Behind the scenes is where you'll find the very best bargains. Advertise, and let people know what you want. That works, too. 幕后才是你能找到好交易的地方。做点宣传,让他人知道你的需要也能有所助益。
Behind the school bus is a big yellow cement truck. 在学校巴士后面是一辆大的黄色混凝土预拌车.
Behind the veneer of civilization, the primal wild waits to reclaim its dominance. 在文明的虚饰后面,原初的荒野正等着,要求归还他原本的统治。
Behind them two 17th-century frescoes depicted ancient Rome's bloody history: a suitable backdrop, since one of their concerns was to prevent a recurrence of Europe's internecine wars. 他们的身后的墙上有两幅17世纪壁画,描绘的是古罗马的血腥历史,这真是再好不过的背景,因为这些欧洲领导人关心的话题之一就是防止欧洲再次发生毁灭性战争。
Behind this argument should be the understanding question, such as, whether reasonable is our nation citizen's housing price to income ratio, whether the housing price cost is the commercial secret, the relations between the land-rent value and the house 在这场争论背后应该是关于我国的房价收入比是否合理、房价成本是否是商业秘密、地价与房价的关系、房价成本公开来自于地方政府阻力的原因以及房价成本视角下的垄断与暴利等问题的认识问题。
Behind this battle lies another one, in which the CME's competitors are fighting to persuade trustbusters that its bid, if successful, would create a monopolistic monster, whereas the exchange insists that the deal is about staying ahead of the pack, not 在这场较量后面隐藏着另外一个斗争,芝加哥商业交易所的竞争者正极力劝说反托拉斯者,如果这个投标取得成功,它会产生一个垄断性的巨型公司,然而,芝加哥商业交易所坚持认为,这个交易是和领先行业竞争队伍有关,而不是哄抬价格。

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