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As for every vow and every binding oath to afflict herself, her husband may establish it or her husband may make it void.

As for comperes, the richest is still Jacky Wu with NT$110m in the bank, while the modelling money-ringer is Lin Chi-Ling who, despite a back injury and being out of action for three months, still took home NT$68m. 主持人方面,最富裕的仍是一亿一千万台币存款的吴宗宪;模特林志玲尽管背部受伤闭关三个月,但仍获得六千八百万台币。
As for devices that claim to protect against radiation,There's no evidence that they work,says Muscat. 对于那些宣称能保护人体免遭辐射的装备,米斯卡认为:没有证据表明它们能起什么作用。
As for different requiremint for the lustration rate, we can provide you round-hole 20-30%,strip-hole 40-50% perforated panel. Stringer, Pedestal and typical rod with high-mechanic strength and loading capacity. 针对各种洁净室洁净度的不同需求,可提供圆孔20%—33%、条孔40%—50%开孔率的高架铝合金通风地板。支架、横梁及特殊的斜撑设计为高承载,高强度奠定了坚实的基础。
As for disasters like the recent Bear Stearns' casualties—bidders were offering five cents on the dollar for one fund in early July. 至于像最近的贝尔斯登事件那样的金融灾难——投标人在七月初以每股基金5美分买进。
As for economics, study after study rates nuclear fission one of the cheapest ways to make power. 就经济学方面来说,一再的研究认为核裂变是获取核电的最便宜方式之一。
As for every vow and every binding oath to afflict herself, her husband may establish it or her husband may make it void. 13凡她所许的愿,和她为刻苦己心,所起约束自己的誓,她丈夫可以坚定,也可以废去。
As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a legitimate source of morality. 至于劝解,他辩说到,在实际中宗教并非道德的正统来源。
As for fine-grained Ta-Nb mineral, the flotation is generally adopted, and effective collectors is fatty acids, arsenic acids, phosphonic acids, hydroximic acids and cationics. 对细粒钽铌矿,一般采用浮选,其中比较有效的捕收剂有脂肪酸类、胂酸类、膦酸类、羟肟酸类和阳离子型捕收剂。
As for fixed vehicle spacing, with the increase of vehicle number in platoon, the average drag coefficient can reduce by 20%~30% and the vehicle with the lowest drag is about at the center of the platoon. 在固定间距下,随着队列中车辆数目的增加,平均阻力系数可降低20%~30%,阻力最低的车大致处于车队的中心位置。
As for foreign investment in our district, we shall provide overall commission services such as contract draft, project examination and approval, Industrial and Commercial tax registration, application of construction procedure, construction condition sup 对落户我区的外来投资项目实行从合同起草、项目审批、工商税务登记、建设手续申报、施工条件提供、海关及特定事务、项目投产及产品资料申报的全过程代办制度。
As for foreign participation, America's Citigroup late last month gained control of Nikko Cordial, Japan's third-biggest stockbroker, for ¥920 billion, the biggest-ever foreign takeover in Japan. 至于外资参与,美国的花旗银行上个月底以9200亿日元收购了日本第三大证券商“日兴证券”成为日本有史以来最大的国外收购接管者。

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