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It was also manufactured by RSAF Enfield under the designation Pistol, Revolver, Webley, No 1 Mk VI.

It was also called Mizpah, because he said, May the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other. 49又叫米斯巴,意思说,我们彼此离别以后,愿耶和华在你我中间鉴察。
It was also demonstrated that rosin in hybrid polymer functioned as a plasticizer to reduce glass transition temperature, which resulted in the reduction of strength and increase of elongation of polymer films. 力学性能分析显示歧化松香在杂合物中起到了增塑剂的作用,降低了聚合物的玻璃化转变温度,使得断裂应力下降而断裂伸长率有所增长。
It was also designed to keep one subordinate to those in power and unable to evolve out of slavery. 这也被设计来将一个人保留在权力者的控制中而不能进化超越奴隶身份。
It was also easily pronounceable in different languages and short enough to fit on the face of his watches. 与会者还容易在不同的语言发音,短足以适合他的脸上手表.
It was also easy to pore over his expense reports, checking out whom he took to dinner in L.A., and what he thinks passes for a legitimate expense. 查看其他资料也很容易,比如他的支出报告,他在洛杉矶和谁共进晚餐,还有那些他认为是合理支出的开销。
It was also manufactured by RSAF Enfield under the designation Pistol, Revolver, Webley, No 1 Mk VI. 这种手枪在皇家空军因菲尔德兵工厂生产其他指定手枪的同时继续生产。
It was also my first trip also. 这也是我的第一次到那儿。
It was also my responsibility to open the dojo on Sunday mornings ready for all the high grades. 这也是我的责任,开捕对周七早上准备所有高年级.
It was also observed that the “inter-grain apical dominance” in hybrid rice was stronger than its restorer, which might be one of the main reasons for low seed setting in hybrid rice combination. 强势粒对弱势粒物质摄取能力的优势,可能是杂交稻籽粒结实率低下的重要原因之一。
It was also once said that the sound barrier would never be broken. 也有人说过,牢固的障碍是无法突破的。
It was also possible that TV viewing may supplant other activities that promote concentration, such as reading, games, sports and play, he said. 还有一种可能是,看电视可能会占用其它有助于培养注意力的活动的时间,如,看书、做游戏、运动及玩耍等。

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