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Results showed that available K and (NO3)^(-1) content were higher in surface runoff in slope cropland and intercrop land between crop and forestry than those in fallow land, intercrop land between forest and grass and afforestation land.

Results show that, within the ranges of the experiments, the static pressure on the stator firstly decreases and then increases along the radial direction. 静盘表面静压随着总流量的增加而增加,随转速增加而降低。
Results show when velocity of flow remains unchanged in the onflow area and openness of the tube is changed, then resistance coefficient ζ changes obviously. 实验结果表明:在湍流区域内流速(量)不变时,改变管件开度,阻力系数ζ变化较显著;改变流量,管件开度不变时,ζ变化不大。
Results showed cobalt-tungsten deposit as copper barrier at temperature of 500℃ and below was superior to nickel, cobalt deposit. 当温度低于500℃时,钴钨合金镀层的防铜渗性能优于后二者。
Results showed that (1) consumers could be divided into three separate segments (2) three geographic van ables-living area, age, and sex in three segments were different significantly ; (3) message sources in three segments were different significantly ; 本研究得到下列主要发现:1.根据四个利益寻求因素可将消费者分为消极型、关怀有形型及服务品质型三群;2.人口变项以居住地区、年龄及性别在各利益集群有显著差异;3.各利益集群在讯息来源上有显著差异;4.各利益集群在消费性金融商品及服务组合上有显著差异。
Results showed that all children chose familiar objects when they heard familiar words and chose unfamiliar objects when they heard unfamiliar words and pseudowords. 6-year-old children chose unfamiliar picture more often than 4-year-old children, but the 结果发现各组幼儿在熟悉名称的条件下全部指认熟悉物;在非熟悉名称及假词名称的条件下,大都指认非熟悉物,且六岁幼儿的比率显著大于四岁组,但是单语和双语幼儿间并无显著差异。
Results showed that available K and (NO3)^(-1) content were higher in surface runoff in slope cropland and intercrop land between crop and forestry than those in fallow land, intercrop land between forest and grass and afforestation land. 研究结果表明:(1)坡耕地及农林间作下地表径流中的有效钾和硝态氮含量高于撂荒荒坡、林草间作和造林林地。
Results showed that before and during the game, two groups had no significant difference in task engagement in the experimental game; but performance-oriented subjects expended less amount of time on the unfinished experimental game than the mastery group 将被试随机分配至掌握目标组或成绩目标组,考察两组被试在任务前、中、后三个阶段的任务投入水平,及相关动机变量的情况。
Results showed that by using straw and plastic film dual mulch in dry-cultivation of rice planting, both of the range of temperature difference and the loss of water in dry-cultivated field of rice were decreased, the soil structure was improved, the soil 水稻秸秆+地膜二元覆盖旱作栽培效应的研究结果表明,秸秆+地膜二元覆盖旱作稻田土壤变温幅度降低,水分散失减少,结构改善,养分积累增加;水稻无效分蘖减少,生育转变提前,灌浆结实期延长,穗大粒多,千粒重高,增产效果显著。
Results showed that due to the sharp difference between diameters at the upper and lower parts of the canal, the high-speed air-flow at the lower-end opening can drain the fluid below the opening out while the lower-speed air-flow al the upper opening is 结果发现:由于根管两端管迳相差悬殊,根尖孔産生的高速气流冲击,吸引根尖液,可引流低于根尖孔的液体;另一方面,开髓孔低速气流不易将口腔内唾液、渗出物重新带入根尖腔。
Results showed that during hydrothermal degradation, the contents of hemicellulose and cellulose in lawn-grass and weeds decreased while the content of lignin increased due to derivation and condensation. 结果表明,在湿解过程中草坪草和杂草中半纤维素、纤维素的相对含量呈减少趋势;木质素类物质经过衍生和小分子缩合后,其相对含量呈增加趋势;湿解最终产物呈弱酸性,可以用来改良碱性土壤。
Results showed that eight hypotheses were rejected. 研究结果拒绝8项假设。

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