On a global basis digital products have dramatically increased over the past 4 years, the demand for trimmer based products is increasing particularly in regions like Asia, South America and Africa. |
中文意思: 随着全数字产品过去4年里在全球范围内有了很大幅度的增长,以手控微调为基础的助听器需求也将会继续增长,特别是亚洲,南美和非洲。 |
On a final note, if you are an excessive snorer, and constantly get complaints from friends and loved ones, look at your lifestyle very carefully first.
最后提醒一下,如果你是一个打鼾特别严重的人,而且经常有亲人和朋友向你抱怨,那么你要先仔细的检查一下自己的生活习惯。 |
On a fine night like tonight, I'd rather go cruising than stay at home.
像今晚这么好的夜色,我宁愿开车到处闲逛也比待在家里好。 |
On a four-wheel drive they explored the sand dunes around Dubai, camel riding and a falcon show were also part of the action.
做在四轮驱动的车上,他们游览了迪拜周围环绕的沙丘,骑了骆驼并且还观看了猎鹰表演。 |
On a frigid winter morning at India's Tal Chappar animal sanctuary, Punjabi came upon two male blackbucks battling for dominance against a glowing backdrop of dust and light.
塔拉恰帕动物避难所的一个严寒的早晨,彭加比碰到两只在光影背景中正在争夺领地的雄性印度羚。 |
On a gamble he raised his sombrero.
他胡乱地举帽致敬。 |
On a global basis digital products have dramatically increased over the past 4 years, the demand for trimmer based products is increasing particularly in regions like Asia, South America and Africa.
随着全数字产品过去4年里在全球范围内有了很大幅度的增长,以手控微调为基础的助听器需求也将会继续增长,特别是亚洲,南美和非洲。 |
On a high school math test, Jack Bauer put down Violenceas every one of the answers.
在一次学校的数学测验里,杰克·鲍尔在对每道题的答案都是:暴力。 |
On a hot day a dip in the sea is sheer paradise.
热天洗个海水澡是十分令人惬意的事。 |
On a hot summer day an elderly gentleman faints in the street. A small crowd immediately gathers around him.
在一个炎热的夏天,一位上了年纪的男子昏倒在街头。一群人立刻围了上去。 |
On a hot summer day, I like nothing better than plungingsintosa cool swimming pool.
在炎热的夏日里,我最喜欢的事莫过于跳进凉爽的游泳池里。 |
On a hot summer day, Koichi and Coo decide to go on an adventurous road trip to find his peers.
电影将在七月底于日本上映,观众可抢先全世界欣赏这部寓教于乐的精彩动画。 |