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If Congress is serious about making American companies more competitive and some American individuals a little more worldly, it should scrap the whole unfair and distorting tax system for expatriates.

If Chinese government, facing WTO, balances various disputes in order to adapt to the challenges and requirements of the development and changes at home and abroad, it must reform in accordance to the basic principles of the legal system, market and the s 摘要面向WTO,中国政府要平衡各种纷争,从而适应国内、国际社会发展变化的挑战和要求,就必须按照重法治、亲市场、偏社会的基本原则进行自我改革,并与非政府组织建立良性的伙伴关系。
If Chinese purchasers sharpen the cutting edge of consumption , then the most creative makers, branders, and shapers of culture might likely live and work in China than in the United States. 如果中国的买家“将他们的消费力磨得更锋利”,今后,我们将看到大多数的时尚用品、品牌和文化塑造者,将居住和工作在中国、而不是美国。
If Chinese sources were stripped from the food-industry supply chain, corporations would simply turn to other low-cost exporters, with comparably poor safety records. 如果把中国从食品工业的供应链中剔除的话,各企业只会转向其他低成本的出口商,而相对来说他们的食品安全记录更加糟糕。
If Christ was in Texas. 如果救世主在德克萨斯州。
If Cole went ahead with the book in its current form while still at Arsenal he would be breaking his contract and would be fined. 如果科尔继续留在阿森那,而且仍然按照原版出书的话,枪手很可能会给他罚款,并且与之解约。
If Congress is serious about making American companies more competitive and some American individuals a little more worldly, it should scrap the whole unfair and distorting tax system for expatriates. 倘若国会当真要使国内公司更具竞争力,让一些国人更加国际化,就应该废弃对驻外人员缺乏公平而且不合实际的整个税收制度。
If Congress were creating a tax code from scratch, it might well discourage pollution rather than work, as Mr Gore demands. 如果国会重新制定税法,也许会有效遏制污染而非阻碍工作,这正是戈尔的要求。
If Cotto is as motivated as I am, it will be a spectacular fight. 如果库托与我一样也那么活跃,比赛将是很壮观的。
If Customer wishes to install the programs on more than one system or transfer the programs to another party, then Customer must contact the licensor of the programs. 如果用户希望在一个以上的系统中安装程序,或向其它人转让程序,则必须自行联络程序许可人。
If DELL adheres stubbornly to errors, we will not only continue our legal actions, but also disclose DELL's despicable demeanor to the international societies. 如果戴尔继续执迷不悟,中国的消费者不仅会继续进行法律诉讼,而且会向国际社会披露戴尔公司的可耻行径。
If DJ insert some music in his talking, ambience may be much better. 如果音乐节目的支持人在谈话中插播一点乐曲,也许会使气氛好一些。

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