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One group—among which were the progenitors of humans and the other Old World primates living today—took up a diurnal life, spread out into the trees, and made fruit an important part of their diet.

One group used metronidazole towound. the other used sodium chloride injection two times per day. 结果:观察组甲级愈合率为99.12%,对照组95.65%,观察组高于对照组。
One group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels, while the others listened to the other, easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds. 一个组的婴儿夜间睡觉的时候还放着同三个元音的录音,而其他的婴儿只听其他的较容易区分的元音。
One group was fed a regular diet and received standard care; a second group received standard care but was fed an antioxidant fortified diet, consisting of standard dog food supplemented with tomatoes, carrot granules, citrus pulp, spinach flakes, the eq 第一组饲以一般的狗食、接受标准的照顾;第二组接受标准的照顾,但饲以含高抗氧化剂的营养狗食,在标准的狗食中添加了蕃茄、胡萝卜颗粒、柑橘果肉、菠菜碎片、相当于800国际单位的维他命E、每公斤20毫克的维他命C;第三组饲以一般狗食,不过给予其富足的生活环境(有规律的运动、与其它犬类的交际活动以及新奇的玩具);第四组则饲以高抗氧化剂的狗食及与富足的生活环境相结合。
One group, led by Dieter Heymann of Rice University, had proposed that the exotic carbon was part of the soot that accumulated in the wake of the massive, impact-ignited fires. 由美国莱斯大学海曼领导的团队发表过报告,指出巨大撞击引发大火后,遗留的煤灰中有外来的碳。
One group, led by John Matese, professor of physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, confirms the notion that it is most likely to be a brown dwarf, a star that never accumulated enough mass to ignite and which has simply sat in space smoulder 一个由拉斐特的路易斯安娜大学物理学教授约翰·马泰塞领导的小组证实了一个想法,那就是它最有可能是一颗褐矮星,这是一种永远也不能积聚足够的质量着火燃烧的星,它只是在太空中数十亿年地无焰闷烧。
One group—among which were the progenitors of humans and the other Old World primates living today—took up a diurnal life, spread out into the trees, and made fruit an important part of their diet. 有一群动物(包括了人类与其他现存旧世界的灵长类祖先)变成了昼行性动物,散布到森林里头,并将果实纳为重要的食物。
One guy goes to a doctor and says, Doctor, my wife has lost her voice. What should I do to help her get it back? 一个男人问医生:“大夫,我妻子嗓子说不出话。我应该做些什么才能帮助她?”
One guy says to the other, Let's talk. I hear that the flight will go faster if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger. 一个人对另一个人说,“我们聊天吧。我听说如果与同道的旅客聊天的话,你会觉得时间很好打发。”
One guy sent this to 500 people! 有一位朋友把这个邮件发给了500个人!
One had been declared a role model in mine management just 10 days before the accident. 其中一人在事故发生的10天之前刚刚被评为“优秀矿长”。
One had only to mention the subject of pacifism in the Colonel's presence, and he saw red. 有人在上校面前只提到反战主义这个题目,他就大发脾气。

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