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The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope.

The watch's price tag is 12 times more than the average Chinese farmer earns in a year. 这块手表的价格相当于中国普通农民一年收入的12倍。
The watch-glass, on the blue card has some syrup in it, all the others are empty. 蓝色卡片上的玻璃罩里放一点糖浆,其他卡片上的玻璃罩都空着。
The watchdog found that some baby clothes contained chemicals that could cause skin problems, the newspaper said. 监督部门发现,一些童装中含有会导致皮肤问题的化学物质。
The watchdog has arguably never been so closely watched. (美国金融市场的)看门狗还从未受到过如此严密的监察。
The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope. 当卖艺者走过绷索时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。
The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope. 当卖艺者走过绷索时,观众都屏住了呼吸。
The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch. 密切注意的绑架者发送一批战士到舱口盖。
The watchmaker is near-sighted. 这位钟表匠是个近视眼。
The watchman although injured managed to stagger to the phone and call the police! 值班员虽然负了伤,但还是摇晃著走到电话机旁打电话叫警察。
The watchman opened the gate for her. 守夜人给她打开了大门。
The watchman replies, Morning is coming, but also the night. If you would ask, then ask; and come back yet again. 12守望的说,早晨将到,黑夜也来。你们若要问,就可以问,可以回头再来。

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