Climax The final community in a succession of natural plant communities in one area under a particular set of conditions.
演替顶级:在一定条件下,自然植物群落的最终演替阶段。 |
Climax to most TV shows usually is with a comedy skit that doesn't really make much sense, but who cares, it's funny! Request to see it again on the forum.
电视节目高潮多数都系一个搞笑既喜剧,唔理佢几无聊,桥唔怕旧最紧要受!想睇返请到讨论坛要求。 |
Climb a wall to use the mouse control, other use a mouse control.
爬墙用鼠标控制,其他用鼠标控制。 |
Climb an ancient tree in wild elephant valley for a peaceful view. If you're lucky, you can catch a glimpse of an elephant herd at the spring-fed waterhole.
爬上“野象谷”古树上的观象屋静心等待,运气好的话,你会看到成群大象临泉饮水的野生奇境。 |
Climb straight on course to cruising level 9000m, call over VB.
直接上升到航线高度9000米,飞越VB呼叫。 |
Climb to 8000m immediately after over BH at 600m per minute.
飞越BH后,每分钟六百米上升,立即爬到8000米。 |
Climb to the top of Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's eye-view of Paris.
如果想鸟瞰巴黎,你可登到埃菲尔塔顶上。 |
Climb-out should be parallel to flight path and at a moderate speed.
垂直爬升的过程中,机体必须与航道平行,并且保持适当的上升速度。 |
Climb. The “b” is silent.
这个词怎么发音? |
Climbed the steel building hotel to start doing business in 1988, was the kapok steel and iron (group) the company Chengdu Embassy office.
攀钢大厦酒店开业于1988年,是攀枝花钢铁(集团)公司驻蓉办事处。 |
Climbing Down Ladders: A creature on a rooftop and next to a ladder square can spend 2 squares of its movement to climb downthe ladder.
爬下楼梯:生物所占据的屋顶方格有邻接著楼梯方格时,可以使用2格的行动力来爬下楼梯。 |