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Is unacquainted with dog &chicken, is the agricultural society continuously happy ideal.

Is time to make the total plan? 是到做总体计划的时间了吗?
Is to open a window of exchange, set up a platform for cooperation, and create a base for training through action studies, training and consultation, and to introduce the ideas and approaches of gender analysis and participatory research to all fields and 通过行动研究、培训和咨询,开启一扇倡导的窗口,构建一块合作的平台,创立一个培训的基地,将社会性别与参与性的理念和方法引入各领域和各层面,实现两性和谐与社会发展。
Is today Monday or Tuesday? 今天是星期一还是星期二?
Is today the first day of school? 今天是开学第一天吗?
Is today's typical older unwed female a lot like Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City's free-spirited patron saint of the deliberately single? 难道今天的典型大龄未婚女性都是《欲望都市》里的凯莉那样拥有自由灵魂的独身主义者吗?
Is unacquainted with dog &chicken, is the agricultural society continuously happy ideal. 鸡犬相闻,是农业社会一直的幸福理想。
Is unwilling to start at the bottom: expects too much too soon. 不愿从基层干起:要求太多。
Is used for surking air or other a little corrosive, insoluble gasses which containing dust. 主要用来抽除空气和其它有一定腐蚀性、不溶于水、允许含有少量固体颗粒的气体。
Is used in thin Gao Xing Qiang and sprinkle the occasion of narrow around space. 二、使用于细高型腔及浇口周围空间狭窄的场合.
Is used in various fractures, dislocaitons and muscles , bones injuries and hemostasis swelling pain. 用于各种骨折、脱臼及肌肉、筋骨跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛。
Is volleyball your only sport? 你只玩排球吗?

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