Automotive engineers pursued the idea of matching an engine and a battery-powered electric motor to achieve greater horsepower and better fuel economy early in the 20th century but abandoned the concept as engines grew ever more potent and thus needed no
20世纪初,汽车工程师曾提出结合引擎和电池动力马达,以提高马力和降低油耗(提高燃料效率)的想法,但后来由于引擎马力越来越大,不需要辅助推进装置,这个概念也弃而不用。 |
Automotive waxes, whether natural or synthetic, are meant to be sacrificial barriers.
车蜡,不管是天然的还是合成的,都是牺牲品。 |
Automotive, consumer-products and medical-device engineers are among the most avid users, along with service providers that make models for clients.
最需要这类设备的使用者包括汽车、消费性电子产品与医疗设备工程师,以及专门为客户制作模型的厂商等。 |
Autonomic data sources—sensors, controllers and selforganizing device networks that make it possible to monitor all kinds of natural and commercial processes inexpensively, automatically, and in real time.
自主数据源――有了传感器、控制器及自组织设备网络,就有可能以低成本、自动、实时的方式监控各种各样的自然和商业流程。 |
Autonomic movements (autogenic movements; spontaneous movements) Movements of plants in response to internal rather than external stimuli.
自发运动:对内部刺激而不是对外部刺激做出回应的一种植物的运动。 |
Autonomous mass organizations at the grass-roots level and citizens have the duty to provide truthful information needed for state statistical investigations.
基层群众性自治组织和公民有义务如实提供国家统计调查所需要的情况。 |
Autonomous mass organizations at the grass-roots level and citizens shall have the duty to provide truthful information needed for State statistical investigations.
基层群众性自治组织和公民有义务如实提供国家统计调查所需要的情况。 |
Autonomous state agencies enjoy considerable operational independence; they include the telecommunications and electrical power monopoly, the nationalized commercial banks, the state insurance monopoly, and the social security agency.
自治州机关享受可观的操作的独立;他们包括电信和电能独占,国有化的商业银行,状态保险独占,并且社会保险代办处。 |
Autopoly-ploids may arise from the fusion of diploid gametes that have resulted from the NONDISJUNCTION of chromosomes at meiosis.
同源多倍体通常可能来自在减数分裂过程中染色体不分离导致的二倍体融合。 |
Autopolyploidy A type of polyploidy involving the multiplication of chromo-some sets from only one species.
同源多倍性:通常是由同一个体,同一纯种的染色体数目加倍而成的多倍性现象。 |
Autopsies will determine the cause of death.
尸体解剖将确定死因。 |