It is specially advantageous for lifting work in the open air and places where no power supply is available.
本设备尤其适用在露天或无电源地区起重作用。 |
It is specially designed for the gasification of bituminous coal with higher gas calorific value than that of KM1Q series and it has good environmental protection performance.
该产品是专门为燃用烟煤的用户设计的炉型,煤气热值相对于KM1Q系列较高,环保更可靠。 |
It is specially engaged in developing softwares suited for the enterprise.
公司的目标是面向全球软件市场,开发行业领先产品,创建世界一流公司。 |
It is specific mark for psychological therapist managing the relationship with patient accord to ethics.
能以道德方式处理与求助者的关系,是专业咨询师的一个极特别的标志。 |
It is specifically immune to color spray, rainbow pattern, searing light, sunbeam, sunburst, or other effects that use direct light as an attack from (such as a ghaele's light ray attack).
它对五彩喷射,虹彩图纹,阳炎射线,阳炎爆,或任何其他以光直接攻击的效果免疫(比如迦勒天使的强光射线)。 |
It is specifically stipulated in this Circular that any enterprise located in the bonded logistics area shall register for foreign exchange in accordance with the Measures for Foreign Exchange Control in Bonded Areas, and collect a Registration Certificat
本通知明确,保税物流园区企业应当参照《保税区外汇管理办法》的规定办理外汇登记,领取《保税物流园区外汇登记证》。 |
It is speculated that this Zoroastrian belief in a Saoshyant influenced the Jewish belief in a Messiah.
也可以推断出这个琐罗亚斯德教(译者汪:也称波斯教,拜火教或明教)所相信的“萨奥斯特亚”影响着犹太人相信有一位“弥赛亚”。 |
It is sponsored by the West Philadelphia Landscape Project and the Center for Reflective Community Practice.
它是由西费城地景计划与思考社区事务中心所赞助。 |
It is spread evenly over the cut piece by two assistants. When it gets tacky we are ready for the next step.
用2个小木片把环氧树脂抹匀在龟壳上,然后等到有些粘的时候进行下一步。 |
It is spring and there are little blossoms and little birds everywhere.
春天来了,到处都是可爱的花儿和小鸟儿。 |
It is staffed with individuals who have rich experiences, including 1 vice-consultant doctor, 1 resident doctor and 7 therapists.
中国康复研究中心作为国内康复研究领域的龙头单位,早在建院设计阶段即规划了现代化的水疗室。 |