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His base conduct was condemned by everyone.

His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston, which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk s office in Texas, where Chiao normally resides. 他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。
His banishment shocked us all. 他被驱逐使我们很震惊。
His bank savings, with his wife's jewels, amount to three million dollars. 他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰合计达三百万元。
His barber laid it on the line to him about the best course of action to pursue. 他的理发师坦白告诉他该采取何种最佳行动。
His bark is definitely as bad as his bite. 听狗不停地狂叫和被狗咬伤一样糟糕。
His base conduct was condemned by everyone. 他的无耻行为受到所有人的谴责。
His bashful mind hinders his good intent. 害羞使好意无法表现.
His basic studies on the retina are considered the foundation for practically every advance in the neurophysiology of vision. 人们认为,他对视网膜的重要研究,是视神经生理学的每一个实际进展的基础。
His basketball collection — all the primo items and pelts from the 10 championships as an NBA and CBA coach — is mostly displayed in the new house's snazzy game room. 他的篮球收藏——他在作为NBA和CBA主教练获得十次总冠军时的一手物品材料和衣物——几乎都在他新房子里一个时髦的房间里面展出了。
His battle abilites and his combat style have no known method of suppression, making him an unmatched threat of the highest caliber. 个体的战斗能力和模式,其制御方法不明,使得该个体成为极度危险的存在。
His battles with Parker during this series were more than worth the price of admission, whether it was for Spurs fans cheering on Parker or for Jazz fans watching their young floor leader grow up before their eyes. 不管是为帕克呐喊的马刺球迷,还是亲眼看着他们年轻的领袖成长起来的爵士球迷,买票来看德隆和帕克在本轮季后赛上的对决,对他们来说都是物超所值了。

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