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It smelt of dust and old papers, and the people who worked there all seemed old and dusty, too.

It slid to 1.6% last month, down from 5%-plus a year ago. 根据消费物价指数衡量,通货膨胀较为温和,上月滑落至1.6%,而上一年的膨胀率超过5%。
It slowly climbs onto Tao Zi's ear lobe. 它慢慢爬到陶子的耳垂上。
It slows our reactions, so that when we slip on the stairs we can't catch ourselves, so we fall, etc. 它使我们的反应迟缓,以至于当我们在楼梯上滑了一下,我们把持不住自己,所以滚了下来,等等。
It smells as if (it is) fresh. 译文:闻起来好像是新鲜的。
It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest. 这种味道就像上帝,当你把你的头依靠在上帝的身上。
It smelt of dust and old papers, and the people who worked there all seemed old and dusty, too. 它闻起来有灰尘与旧纸的味道,再那里工作的人也全看起来苍老且满身尘埃的。
It snapped hundreds of slow moving motorists last month, leaving them in line for a £60 fine and three points on their license. 由于这个原因上个月抓拍了数以百计的开车者,给他们开出60英镑和驾照扣除3分的罚单。
It snowed all day long. 一整天都在下雪。
It snowed heavily last night. The snowfall was about 15 inches. People were enjoying the snowy scene and the children were snowballing. 昨晚下了场大雪,降雪量达十五英寸。人们欣赏看雪景,孩子们在打雪仗。
It snowed throughout the night. 雪整整下了一夜。
It snows all the year round in that distant little village. 在那个遥远的小村落里整年下雪。

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