Licorice-Juice Honey(∶)Were selected to act as the sweeten replacing the sours the opium formulation of the product was determined by orthogonal Test:8%milk,0% pear juice,% sweeten,0.% Witch acid,0.%stabliser and 0.% Emul sifiers respectively |
中文意思: 采用蜂蜜与甘草汁的混合液取代蔗糖作甜味剂 ,通过正交试验筛选出最佳配方 :鲜牛奶 8% ,梨汁 0 % ,甜味剂 % ,柠檬酸 0 . % ,稳定剂 0 . % ,乳化剂 0 . %。 成品质量稳定。 |
Li Jun(Institute of Geography,CAS,Beijing 000) :An analysis of the factors affecting N,O emission from arable soils,EAR, 99: -Nitrous oxide (NO)is an important greenhouse gas.
李俊:农业土壤排放氧化亚氮的影响因素分析,《生态农业研究》, 99: — 氧化亚氮(N_O)是重要的温室气体之一。 |
Li,var. nov. A typo recedit praecique ramulispue pedicellis nervis omnino viridis et flores albus.
本文报导了梵天花属一新变种:白花肖梵天花UrenalobataL.var.albaX.Q.Li,var.nov. |
Liang Shuming attempt to fuse Buddhist Dharmalaksana and the viewpoint of Bergson life philosophy, to explain and develop the Confucianism the philosophy of livelihood shrewd justice, to rebuild the ideal personality of the Confucianism.
梁漱溟试图融合佛教唯识学和柏格森生命哲学的观点,用以阐释和发挥儒家“生”之哲学的精义,以重建儒家的理想人格。 |
Library of teaching hospital and education medico
教学医院图书馆与教育育人 |
Libriform fibres and tracheid fibres were septate.
纤维和纤维管胞均有横隔。 |
Licorice-Juice Honey(∶)Were selected to act as the sweeten replacing the sours the opium formulation of the product was determined by orthogonal Test:8%milk,0% pear juice,% sweeten,0.% Witch acid,0.%stabliser and 0.% Emul sifiers respectively
采用蜂蜜与甘草汁的混合液取代蔗糖作甜味剂 ,通过正交试验筛选出最佳配方 :鲜牛奶 8% ,梨汁 0 % ,甜味剂 % ,柠檬酸 0 . % ,稳定剂 0 . % ,乳化剂 0 . %。 成品质量稳定。 |
Life span of adult female beetle was .0,.9 and 8. days in thyme,nutmeg and cowpea seed respectively.
雌成虫在百里香、肉豆蔻、豇豆种子三种寄主上的寿命分别为 .0 d、.9 d、8. d。 |
Light yellowish loose glossy globular callus was initiated from mature zygotic embryos of loblolly pine (Pinus taeta L. )
以火炬松(Pinus taeda L.) 的成熟合子胚为外植体在附加NAA和BA的TE培养基上诱导产生了淡黄色、疏松、有光泽的颗粒状愈伤组织。 |
Lignum Sappan, the dried heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan L.,belongs to the family of Caesalpinaceae .
苏木(Lignum Sappan)为豆科云实属植物苏木(Caesalpinia sappan L.) |
Ligther water-stress could stimulate the root growth in Cichorium intybus L. cv Puna and Rumex K-l.
三种牧草种子的发芽率、胚芽长及串叶松香草胚根长均随水分胁迫强度的加大而下降,轻度干旱可刺激普那菊苣和鲁梅克斯K-胚根生长。 |
Like the tree roots buried beneath the earth and the stones under the river bed with nimbus,these resources belong lawfully to the discoverer who found them with special eyes and insights.
它就像那埋在土里的具有灵气的树根、埋在河床的具有灵气的石头,谁独具慧眼,谁就是它的主人。 |